duo to trio

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zion stared at you and never in his whole life had he ever felt so helpless. it upset him to see you crying out in pain with nothing for him to do to take that away from you. if he had it his way then he'd switch places with you in a heartbeat.

childbirth was no joke and you knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park but you didn't think that the level of pain would be this high.

"it's okay baby girl" zion swayed with you while rubbing your lower back as contractions ripped through your body.

you just wanted it to be over. it was the most awful thing that you have ever endured and that's saying a lot considering you have to deal with a whole lot of shit.

"i just want her out" you cried into zion's chest. your tears stained his jersey and he had just wanted to take the pain away.

zion prided himself in knowing that you were always out of harms way, never in pain and always safe but right now in this moment, he had never felt so hopeless. things were way out of his control and he absolutely hated it.

"baby i know"

you had tried to use the gas and air but that just made you feel sick and throw up. by the time that you decided you wanted the epidural, it was too late because you were already dilated too much.

so you had to endure the most life changing moment of your life in complete pain with no way to ease it what's so ever.

"i think i have to push"

"what? now?" zion sounded panicked which didn't help you right now. it just added stress to the already stressful situation.

"no. fucking tomorrow" you snapped at him.

that's all it took for zion's initiative to kick in. he helped you towards the bed but you didn't quite make it as you had screamed out for zion to get the nurse. you could feel the baby crowning and a lot of pressure. you were worried that she was going to slip out right now.

he pushed the buzzer multiple times and no less than 2 minutes and a nurse rushed into the room and she took a quick look under your gown.

"woah, the heads almost out" the nurse said as she put the gown down and put on a pair of gloves.

"i'll get on the bed" you said through deep breathes.

"oh honey, there's no time. this baby wants out now" you were shocked and thought of how much this went against your birth plan.

you imagined giving birth on the bed with zion by your side, being on some form of pain prevention and it being quite straight forward but things don't always go to plan, unfortunately.

"get into a position that you're most comfortable in" you nodded your head and told zion to sit on the bed and rested your forehead on his shoulder while he held you in his arms.

"big push with your next contraction, 1-2-3 push"

with all the strength you could gather, you pushed down hard.

"the heads out. one more and your little girl be here" releasing the breathe you were holding, you allowed your body to relax before another contraction ripped through your body.

you pushed through your contraction and felt the baby slide right on out. relief washed through your body and you ended up in tears in zion's arms.

"you did so good baby girl" with his free hand he wiped his eyes as well as yours. cries from both you and your baby filled the room.
you were tired but filled with joy and happiness to finally have your little girl here with you and not causing you pain and to feel uncomfortable.

zion was completely in love with his angel baby and was doing the absolute most with her. he was such a hands on parent and you had never felt more lucky to have him in your life, by your side.

you were enjoying life with your little family.

it was around 10 in the morning when there was a slight knock on the door before it opened to reveal kékéli. you smiled at her as she walked towards you, setting her bag along with two gift bags down.

"how are you?" she pulled you into a small hug and that was when zion walked back into the room. your daughter cradled in his arms.

"tired and like my vagina is on fire but happy"
kékéli laughed and turned towards zion. she looked at the baby wrapped up in a fluffy grey blanket and cooed.

"what's her name?" kékéli asked, grabbing your daughter from zion's arms.

you looked at zion and smiled before he said,

"elia reine kuwonu"

kékéli looked up, shock and happiness evident in her eyes. both you and zion wanted your daughters name to mean something and when he had suggested reine after his sister as a joke, you thought it was a good name.

it fit well with the first name you had picked and had loved it.

you could see the tears well up in her eyes and in that moment, you knew both zion and yourself had made the right decision.

"i love it" kékéli said through tears.

"well good because we've already signed the birth certificate"

holy heck this was shit 😅 sorry!

but if you've watched game of thrones then you'll know where elia is from and if you have seen it, then you're a real one.

i also want to name my daughter elia because it's a really cute name.

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