unconditional love

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"talk to me about anything. i don't care as long as i can hear your voice" zion put his head on your lap and crossed his arms as you waited in the airport. your flight had been delayed and zion was exhausted.

he needed some rest from being the big superstar that he is and you were more than happy for him to use you as a pillow. your hand went to his cheek, your thumb dragging lightly over his skin.

"okay then" you sat for a moment thinking of something to say, a story to conjure.

"there was a girl who meet a boy. he was a complete idiot but she somehow fell for him. he could sing, not the best dancer but he got better and he was the biggest headass she'd ever met-"

"i'm a good dancer" zion interrupted you which only made you laugh but at the same time you didn't address his comment. just simply carried on.

"-he made her feel like she was the only girl in the world, telling her that if they were ever surrounded by fire he would never let a single flame touch her"

zion listened to your voice and thought of how angelic and calming it was. he could listen to you talk all day if he could. he listened to the way you spoke and imagined the way the words fell past your lips.

"she felt insanely lucky to have him in her life. he was her rock, the only thing that kept her going and she didn't quite get why he loved her but despite that, she was still grateful"

you didn't really know why this was the first thing that came to mind but you decided to roll with it and see where it takes you. zion didn't say anything so it mustn't be that bad.

"they had their fair share of ups and downs but still made it to the other side"

you could feel all tension leave his body and knew he had quickly gone to sleep.

in a way this was kind of you telling him how much you loved him and how important he was to you. zion was someone that would have a lasting impact on your life and no matter what happens, he'll still have a special place in your heart.

"and in the end, she was just a girl who loved a boy"


100K 100K 100K!!!!!! what the heck?! i love & appreciate EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

thank you to everyone who stuck around even after seeing how crap my imagines are, for voting and for even commenting!! i read all your comments and just love them 💓

thank you guys so much x

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