betrayal & hurt; part 2

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it had been three weeks. three weeks since zion had told you he had cheated and three weeks since the last time you saw him. he reached out multiple times since then but you ignored him. you blocked him on all social media outlets and his number but somehow he managed to get in contact with you.

it irritated you mainly because you just wanted time to yourself, to think and digest what's happened but it's like zion didn't understand that.

so to put your mind and his at rest with the situation, you unblocked his number and texted him to come over.

you were hesitant on the location and wondered if it was the best choice but if it had been somewhere public, there was a chance that you'd make a scene.

and while you waited for zion to arrive, you went around your room and gathered everything that belonged to him before putting them into a box.

you weren't too sure if you were going to give his stuff back just because there was something in you that told you that there might be a chance at fixing things.

you paced through your house, anxiously waiting for zion to show up and then you heard it. a knock at the door that could only be zion.

hesitantly answering the door, your breathing was shaky and your heart was pounding. you didn't want to open the door and see zion standing there because although you were hurting from his actions, you still loved him. your feeling for him were still there

zion stood at the door, hands dug deep in his pockets with a somewhat unbothered look on his face. you chose to ignore it, moving your body slightly to let zion in.

"just in the living room's fine" zion nodded his head and you followed behind him.

you sat on different couches, not wanting to be too close to him. the silence in the room was almost as strong as the tension but what could you do?

"look, what i done was fücked up and i hurt you. i can never change what i done and how i've made you feel"

the tears threatened to spill but you didn't dear let them. you had cried too many times over what zion had done and you were sick of it. sick of crying over something that someone else did and sick of feeling like it was your fault when in reality it wasn't.

"why'd you do it?" you didn't look at zion but instead concentrated on your hands that were tangled up in your lap.

"i wasn't thinking. i didn't care"

when the words left his mouth, you finally understood why storms are named after people. something inside you just clicked.

it was a reality check in a sense and you realised your worth in a way.

"zion. i don't want you back, i don't want you in my life anymore. you fûcked up and like you said, you didn't care so that says a lot"

as painful as it was to say, that's how you truely felt and what you wanted.


"no i'm not going to put in my all when you can barely but anything in. i'm done. we're done so you need to leave"

zion didn't bother to fight you on this and there was a part of you that wished he did but the rest of you was glad that he didn't. he just simply nodded and got up to go to the door.

after you closed the door, you realised that you were closing a chapter of your life that meant a lot to you but damaged you in a way that could take awhile to fix.

then you burned the box and all his stuff in it.


didn't update because i've been working so sorry about that but ya girl gotta get that money 🤷🏽‍♀️

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