bed time

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"caleb zion kuwonu! if you don't-" you squealed as you tried your hardest to not fall off the bed, your hands gripping zions biceps.

"if i don't what baby girl?" zion teased, his arms loosely gripping onto your waist.

the bed sheets were wrapped up between your bodies with zion's frame taking up much of the bed while barely half of your body was on the bed.

zion let his grip on your waist go and you instinctively grabbed onto him to prevent yourself from falling but unfortunately you still did, with zion landing harshly on top of you.

"you're such a headass" you found it hard to laugh as so much of zion's weight was mainly on your chest.

"but you love it" zion kisses your nose and lifted himself off of you before helping you off the ground.


when you got back onto the bed, you made sure that you had enough room that you wouldn't fall off or get pushed off again.

zion climbed in next to you and pulled you onto his chest. your hand resting on his stomach while his wrapped around your body and rested on your hip, his thumb gliding across your exposed skin.

zion was someone in your life that you couldn't be more thankful for. his presence made you feel safe and him just existing made you feel happy. he was a person you never wanted to let go.

"good night baby girl" and with that, you let yourself fall into a deep slumber.


i know, update is late but i had school work that had to be done first.

my imagines are getting shorter & i'm really hating that. wait until i've handed all my assessments in & they should start getting longer.

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