attitudes & short tempers

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a party at the prettymuch house? ah yes ma'am. you were extremely excited because you had just gotten back in town after god knows how long and you had missed everyone and having a good time.

you were in zion's room wrapped up in a towel moisturising your body after just having a shower.

"someone could walk in. put some clothes on" zion threw your night gown at you. you rolled your eyes but put it on anyway, his stink ass attitude wasn't going to ruin your night.

"whatever zion. your attitude isn't going to put me in a mood"

.later on in the night.

zion's attitude still hadn't gotten any better and you had tried everything to get his mood to switch. you offered to let him choose your outfit and even let him choose the songs while you were getting ready.

but he was still in a mood.

you didn't really understand why and every time you'd ask, he'd avoid the question so you decided to leave him be.

zion sat on the couch, his phone in one hand and a cup in the other. he watched as you made your way from group to group, being hospitable. something that he should've been doing considering you don't even live here.

edwin had said some things that rubbed him the wrong way and ever since then, that's all that's been on his mind. he didn't mean to come off as being a jerk and he didn't mean to direct that at you but every time he'd see you, edwin's words would play in his head.

you were talking with charlotte and fiffany when in walked edwin with his leech of a girlfriend on his arm. turning your head you spotted zion, his jaw tense and eyes on edwin.

confused, you excused yourself and walked over to zion, sitting down next to him. you knew your boyfriend and could see he had a problem with either edwin or tiffany.

"what happened? spill"

things were starting to make sense and you had an idea about why zion was so moody. and if you were right, you were kinda upset over the fact that zion hadn't said anything sooner.

zion's such a carefree, happy person so whatever's happened, it must be bad for him to be in a mood this long.

"edwin said some things about you, about our relationship"

edwin talking shît? that was really odd because he made sure that everyone felt their best and preached about positive vibes.

"what'd he say? and don't you dare say i wouldn't be able to handle it because we both know that's a damn lie"

zion sighed and looked over at you. he really didn't want to tell you, just try to sort things out with edwin and forget it ever happened but it was you, and you weren't stupid.

"he said that you were problematic and that our relationship was bad not just my reputation but the groups too"

you couldn't believe it. you didn't want to believe it. edwin must be smoking crack to say something like that. you wouldn't be too surprised if he was, he looked like he was on something anyway especially with that haircut.

"that's rich coming from his crackheaded looking ass. his girlfriend, miss straightening hair is only for white culture, has to be the most problematic bîtch out. i could go on about the shît she's done"

and so zion and yourself watched edwin and tiffany socialise with everyone but it was obvious no one wanted her around.

but the longer you watched them the more edwin's words got to you and you didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone especially since it was the boys party.

but it was you and both zion and yourself knew that that wasn't a possibility.

"come on baby" you grabbed zion's hand, yanking him off the couch and pulled him towards edwin and tiffany.

when edwin noticed the two of you coming towards him, he began to get uncomfortable as he knew a confrontation was about to happen and he wasn't good with that kind of thing.

"heard you been talking shît?"

"um- i ah" edwin stuttered on his words and looked at tiffany for back up which was the wrong thing to do.

"don't even think about opening your mouth" you shushed tiffany up before she could say anything.

zion grabbed your arm and pulled you back a bit. he was regretting saying anything. he knew this is what would happened if he told you, something he wanted to avoid.

"yeah i found out what you said. what happened to your positive, drama free vibes? i just don't get why you go around talking about me and my relationship"

"i don't like your girlfriend or your relationship but you don't see me talking shît behind your back. i actually have the balls to say it to your faces"

the music was loud and there were people everywhere yet it felt like it was just zion, edwin, tiffany and yourself in the room. and the more tiffany eyeballed you the more you wanted to throat punch her.

"but you are. all you do is yell at people and act like a bîtch. i don't know what zion sees in you"

the nerve of this kid.

you reached for edwin because he was pushing your buttons but zion pulled you back.

"excuse me? tittyless tiff over here appropriates cultures and acts like little miss innocent when the going gets tuff so until she's perfect then you can say things about me but that day will never come so keep your mouth shut"

you were about to say something else but zion cut in. good thing to because you would've ripped edwin's head off and shoved it up his girlfriends ass.

"just don't talk bad about my relationship bro. i try so you need to as well"

"i don't really appreciate being called names so if yo-" tiffany piped up and you really didn't want to deal with her.

"shut the hell up. no one asked you" both her and edwin looked highly offended but you could care less about their feelings.

rolling your eyes you walked away, zion following close behind. you walked to zion's room and he closed the door behind him.

the music blasted through the walls but you were still able to talk and hear each other at a reasonable volume.

"i try so hard to not cause any drama but people know how to test me"

"i know ma, i know" zion wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you into his chest.

you felt guilty about causing a scene and edwin's words played on repeat in your mind.

because of him, you really did question if you being with zion brought him more bad than good.

i was in a mood when i wrote this and decided to take it out on tiffany & edwin. they can get fictionally attacked anyday, i don't really care.

and as you might have noticed, i don't like tiffany.

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