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things had been hectic lately. with you focusing on school and your career and prettymuch taking off quite quickly, either of you found it impossible to spend time together. sure the two of you would spend maybe a few hours together but you wanted longer than that, you wanted to spend at least the night together with no distractions at all.

it had been two weeks since the last time you had physically seen zion and you were spending the day at your house with nick and brandon over too.

you sat on the deck watching zion in the pool with nick and brandon. zion's muscles flexed lightly in the water and you couldn't help but stare. but how could you not? he looked as though he was carved by god himself and you were very appreciative of that.

zion made his way out of the water, moving the dreads that had fallen in his eyes out of the way. you got up and meet him half way, handing him a towel. he flung the towel over his shoulders and grabbed you by your waist, your hands resting on his chest. he stared into your eyes before placing small kisses on your lips, if brandon and nick weren't here you definitely would've gotten carried away.

"it's been too long" you said in between kisses, zion hummed, agreeing with you.

"the things i've thought about doing to you"

you knew exactly what was on his mind because what he wanted to do to you is what you've been thinking about since the last time you did anything sexually. you'd find yourself just thinking about zion and everything that you wanted him to do to you and the ways he'd make you feel. you were addicted to him and it was overwhelming.

"if those two weren't here i'd ask you to show me" running your hands slowly up zion's body, you felt the goosebumps arise beneath your hands. the similar effect you had on him that he had on you was one that would always amaze you.

zion groaned, resting his forehead on yours. "trust me baby girl, i'd show you everything"

the more he talked, the more sexually frustrated you became. it was eating you up and there wasn't a lot that you could do about it. that just added to your frustration.

you knew nick and brandon wouldn't leave anytime soon you knew this because they told you themselves. saying how your pool was better than their's yet you didn't understand how.

"you better stop before you make me do something i'll regret" you said causing zion to furrow his eyebrows in confusion

"the thing where you just randomly lick your lips. stop otherwise i won't be able to"

your breathing become rigid. it was hard to breath, to even think straight and zion could see the growing frustration within you and to say he felt the same as you would be an understatement. but seeing you like this was quite amusing to him just because it was usually him in your position.

zion placed kisses under your ear and you grabbed the waistband of his shorts pulling him closer to you. you felt him laugh as his hands slowly made their way down your sides, eventually resting on your butt.

you just let zion be but then he suddenly pulled away causing you to flutter your eyes open. he was staring down at you in amusement causing you to hit his chest.

"don't do that"

"okay babes" he said, sarcasm dripping off every word before he dipped down placing one last kiss on your lips before throwing the towel onto the deck chair and made his way to the pool.

you knew you had to do something to let out this sexual frustration but brandon and nick were at your house. then again, they seemed occupied and you could always put out some food and then lock them outside while you and zion go to your room. the thing was, would you be able to get zion out of the pool? lol of course you could, you're in a bikini for crying out loud.

walking down to the pool, you jumped in and swam over to zion. he raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. his back was turned to brandon and nick which was perfect for what you were about to do.

you hooked your arms around zion's neck and wrapped your legs around his waist. he held you securely while you just looked at him.

"two can play that game" with your left hand going down his body, zion quickly turned around to see brandon and nick still deep in conversation. your rested lightly over his dick and you noticed how he sucked in a breath.

"we can do this here or we can do this inside. you choose"

zion didn't like this. he didn't like being so vulnerable to you, especially in front of his friends. he liked to be in control when you'd do anything sexual, it's what he was good at. so for you to be teasing him like this was pure torture.

when he didn't respond, you slowly moved your hips up and down, feeling zion get hard beneath you. you were getting really turned on and debated on if you should give the two behind zion a show. but zion grabbed you and pulled out of the pool he then didn't take any time to get out himself.

he picked you up and threw you over his shoulders before yelling out,

"don't wait up" you laughed knowing that you were about to get dicked down.


yoooo that was bad. oh well, what can ya do.

btw i'm also doing pt 2's for a few imagines i've posted so stay tuned for that.

zion kuwonu imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now