road block

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you were tired, hungry and just wanted to get home. school had drained the life out of you and you were happy that it was friday, meaning you were going to lay in bed for the weekend and catch up on netflix and some much needed rest.

but as you were driving up the road to your house, there were people in the middle of the road blocking you from getting into your driveway. you carried on driving, thinking that they'd move but as you got closer, they didn't seem to move. forcing you to slow down.

coming to a stop, you watched as they seemed unfazed that you were trying to get past. there was three of them, one on the road and another two on the footpath taking photos.

"excuse me but can you move?" you yelled out the window.

the one with dreads on the road stood up and you mentally thanked the lord he moved.

or so you thought.

"we're in the middle of something" he yelled back.

"so am i, i'm trying to get into my driveway" you edged closer to threaten him. if he wasn't going to move, you'd move him.

"look i really don't have time for this right now"

you didn't want to play around. you had gone through enough, you really didn't want to add to that.

"i'll move on one condition"

he moved closer to your car and you realised that these were some of the guys that lived across from you. they were loud and honestly you couldn't stand them.

"what?" your annoyance level had grown more and more, you just wanted to get inside your house.

"go on a date with me" you scoffed before switching your car off because it was obvious that you wouldn't be entering your driveway any time soon.

"i don't even know your name"

"zion, my name's zion"

he wasn't that bad. he was tall, had a decent sense of style and anyone willing to get hit to ask you out on a date was kinda hot. a risk taker, you liked it.

but that didn't excuse the fact that they'd thrown countless 'get togethers' on nights that were crucial to your education and career.

"and i suppose that if i say no you won't move"

zion shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. he was determined to get a date with you, he'd been meaning to ask you ever since he laid eyes on you. zion just didn't know how or when to ask. by preventing you from getting into your house, he knew that you'd be forced to give an answer.

brandon and nick were hesitant on his little plan but since they had nothing better to do, they agreed.

"what is this? dora and i have to solve your riddle to get across the bridge? i think the fuck not" you mumbled to yourself.

but then thought that if you said yes then he'd move.

"fine. tomorrow night at 7. now can you please get out of the way?"

for a moment zion was wondering if he'd heard you right. he didn't think that you'd give in so easily. so he stood in the road staring at you trying to register what you had just said.

"dude, move. she said yes" brandon yelled out.

"oh yeah right" he quickly moved off the road so you were able to drive in.

"don't appreciate the roadblock but thanks" you said as you drove past them.

when you got out of the car, you looked across the road and saw zion standing there. you gave a small wave before going inside.

you just prayed he wouldn't be a serial killer and kill you on your date.


eh, that was sucky but whatever.

i also lied, i'm going to update twice a week. don't know when or even if i'll do the requests.

finna do a part two to this.

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