secrets & other things pt 2.

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it had been an hour since nick had stormed off and the worry and guilt inside you just increased by the second. you distanced yourself from the boys, zion especially and sat quietly on nicks bed.

during that hour you debated on if you should call nick or even send a text but you held yourself back. nick needed time to cool off and process things.

nick was essentially one of the most important people in your life and for you to betray him the way you did was one that crushed you up. sure zion was important to you but you began to think of weather or not it was worth it.

nick would be in your life no matter what, zion you weren't so sure on.

you heard the door open but thought it was one of the boys.

"can you leave?" you said without bothering to see who walked in.

"this is my room so can you leave?" quickly turning around, you saw nick standing in the doorway. the neutral look of displeasure written on his face.

"we have to talk nick" swerving your body around to face nick, you noticed how he took a step back. away from you.

"so you can lie to me some more?" he didn't sound angry anymore, he sounded hurt. disappointed.

"to explain things. look nick i kn-"

"no. i just don't get it. i told you not to go there with any of them, i told them not to go there with you but you and zion don't like to listen. why would either of you pull some shit like that? i'm more angry at you because you fûcking know how off limits my friends are"

guilt. that's all you felt was guilt and with every word that fell from nick's mouth, the more that guilt grew. it filled your insides up and it felt like you were drowning.

"you don't see me pulling shit like that with your friends so why do it to me huh?"

nick started to yell and it made you want to cry but you knew tears wouldn't help the situation, it'll just make nick angrier. he hated it when people cried to get sympathy.

"i'm sorry okay. i wasn't thinking. fück i'm never thinking but nick i never meant to hurt you. i'll end it with him and i'll go home" you choked back tears as you yelled back.

that was the thing with you and nick. growing up you both had short tempers and didn't deal with emotion well. it was like as soon as you felt the slightest bit of emotion your reaction was to channel that negatively. whether that be yelling or getting physical, it didn't matter. arguments between you two was like arguing with yourself, the two of you were just too similar to deal with things without a third party.

"so you're not even go to fight me on this.? say that you love him and all that shit"

"why should i? it's not like it's going to change your mind. you'll never approve"

"well is that my fùcking fault y/n? maybe you should've thought about that before getting involved with zion"

nick left the door wide open so you knew that the others could hear every word that you and your brother yelled but you were too heated to even care. they'd find out what was said eventually.

"you can't create a situation that you know was wrong from the get go and then turn shit around on me when you're in the wrong"

you knew exactly what nick was doing. saying things to essentially set you up for failure and you hated it. he'd say something that no matter what you'd say, you'd still end up with the short end of the stick. sure you deserved it but was it necessary or even fair? not in the slightest.

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