story time

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you had been out all day, leaving zion to watch your 8 month old son. you weren't all too worried, sure there were times zion forgot about his parental duties but you knew that he'd put his life on the line if that meant his son was safe.

when you first found out you were pregnant, you weren't sure on how zion would take the new role of dad. he'd always talk about being a dad one day but much like you, you both wanted to have kids in the far far future. some things don't always go to plan though.

it was around 7pm when you got home and you were expecting the house to be in ruins but to your surprise it wasn't. the house was immaculate and clean and on top of that it was so quiet you thought that something bad was about to happen.

but as you started walking closer to your room, you could zion's voice and him attempting to read. he wasn't illiterate, or so he says but at times you really wondered if he was. you heard him put his little twist on words and you stood in the doorway watching as zion held a book while his arm was wrapped protectively around your child.

your son didn't seem to be very into it with him staring out into the void with his half empty bottle tucked under his arm. zion carried on anyway, reading the book, the rainbow fish.

"oh no baby stop. you read song lyrics not books" he tried, he really did and you appreciated it but his attempts to read a story to your child was like listening to someone drag their nails across a blackboard. pure agony.

zion's eyes snapped up to meet yours and a small smile graced his face. your son on the other hand was excited to see you with him struggling to get free from zion's arms and the blanket over his body.

"what? i'm reading it right"

you walked over and climbed onto the bed next to your son and placed kisses on his face causing him to laugh and squirm around.

"i'm not illiterate y/n" he stared over at you with all seriousness and you couldn't help but smile. he was just too damn cute.

your son squirmed around and reached out for your hair, strands of your hair tucked in his small hands. you just left him, it was annoying yes but he'd keep pulling whether you stop him or not.

"i know babe, you just add your own twist to things"

zion started to close the book but you put your hand over his and reopened it. as horrendous as he read, you didn't want him to stop because his voice was one that you could never stop listening to. he could recite the alphabet over and over again and you'd still sit and listen with your full attention.

"keep reading" by now, your son had his bottle in his mouth, drinking the formula. it seemed as though he was really tired which wasn't too surprising considering it was close to his bedtime.

"but i thought i could only read song lyrics not books" zion changed his pitch to try and mimic yours but failed miserably.

"pleaseeeee" zion rolled his eyes but kept reading anyway.

with your son on your chest and zion's arm now wrapped around you, you couldn't be more thankful for your little family.


i used your son a lot for a reason. i wanted you guys to put in whatever name you wanted because everyone's different and likes different names. i always try to keep options open when it comes to writing just because i know that i'd rather that.

it's all about personal preference.

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