[1] Hit to the head

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Ashton to the side------>

~~~Violet's POV~~~

It was the first day of my last year of pretending to like everyone but I hate them, all of them them. 

Why can't they just be different and not fit into any categories of your typical high school?

I was just listening to an old Aerosmith song when suddenly a football came flying into the side of my head and throwing me sideways into the muddy grass. Of course I didn't see that it was a football as it hit me but that motherfucker hurt and I am on a football field so it didn't take me long to work it out.

I immediately take out my earphones and look to where the football fell. I stand up and go over to where it is and when I am about to kick it out of the field, I see someone running towards me.

"Hey, hand it over. You're holding up our practice!" he shouts as he is nearing me. I smirk as I use all my years of training and kick it with all my power, hundreds of meters out of the field.

That should teach them some manners, you don't hit someone on the head causing them to fall over and then shout at them for not handing their ball back to them polished as if I am not going to have a headache for the rest of the day.

"What did you do that for?" he is not running anymore but standing right next to me. 

When I continued to ignore him and started to put my earphones back in he took them out of my hands and put them in his back pocket. I sent him my scariest glare, eyes narrowed, lips tight and fists clenched by my side.

"Give me my earphones back, now." I say in a tight and threatening voice. He is extremely close to being on the floor and embarrassed in front of all his friends.

"Not until you go and get it back!" he threatens really close to my face, way too close.

"I am the one that got hit in the head with a ball, you are lucky I didn't kick the person that hit me instead of the ball!" I reply not backing down. I have a feeling this guy has never heard the word no.

"Aww, did the poor little girl hurt her head." he coos in a sickeningly baby voice while reaching with one of his hands to brush some hair back off of my forehead. 

That was the last straw.

I quickly grab his wrist and push on his weak spot so he is on his knees in front of me and push with my knee so he is on his stomach on the grass. I keep my knee on his back and with my free hand to reach into his pocket and take my earphones.

I stand back up and I am about to walk away when laughter explodes next to me. I look back and the rest of the football team bent over laughing at their friend, who is already on his feet. 

I'll give him that, he has quick reflexes.

The teams laughter is contagious and I smile a little at them. However the guy that took my earphones is furious and if he is a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears and a train would be in the background.

He suddenly gets an evil glint in his eyes and starts walking towards me, my smile dies as his grows. Instead of waiting for him to gain on me, I turn around and start walking to my Jiu Jitsu class. That started another laughter from the team.

Just as I was going to put my music on, I realise I don't have my phone. I turn around and see the jackass grinning like a Cheshire cat while holding my phone high up in the air.

"Let's see what's in here." my eyes widen when I remember I took off my pass code this morning so I wouldn't be wasting time all day, big mistake.

"Don't you dare look on my phone." I shout at him just as he laughs and starts walking away from me while looking through my phone.

"What? Is there something you don't want me to see?" the stupid grin has not left his face and he is now looking at my pictures! There are dozens of pictures of my holiday, meaning me half naked in my bikini and pulling the most revolting faces known to man.

"Yes, of course there are because I don't want you on my phone!" I am surprised at how high pitched my voice sounds.

"Ohh, am I going to find some saucy photos? I bet ......" he suddenly stopped with an unreadable expression on his face, which was quickly replaced with a mask of the jerk he was before.

"Give me my phone back you, jerk." I keep shouting at him.

"Nope, now where would be the fun in that?" he gives me a look over his shoulder and starts walking back to his friends, all the way across the field.

They are now sitting on the field and looking at us in amusement. Their football practice long forgotten. He walks over to them and sits down. 

El tirón!(The jerk)

He is just walking ahead while I am chasing him like a lost fool!Oh no, yo no, no hoy.(Oh no, not me , not today.)

'"Give me my phone now you tirón! Lo quiero ahora!" I shout at him when I catch up.

"Aw, babe, how did you know I find Spanish sexy?" with that he sends me a wink and returns to looking at my phone while laying down and stretching like he fucking owns the place.

"I don't care what you like, but if you didn't understand I called you an asshole and a jerk.Now, I have somewhere I have to be and I need my phone." I hold out my hand, palm up waiting for him to hand me my phone.

"You know you don't want to leave me..." he starts to say before I interrupt him.

"Oh but I do." and smile a little when his friends start laughing again and the guy with my phone starts pouting.

"You wound me babe. Now where are you going , so I can pick you up after practice?" he raises his eyebrow, silently daring me to turn him down.

Bring it on.

"Actually I'm going to my Jiu Jitsu practice and then I have dance practice so I'm sorry but I'll be too busy to see you ,babe." with that I lean close to his face, as if I'm going to kiss him and take my phone from his unsuspecting hands. I turn around and walk off leaving him stunned and his friends rolling on the grass still laughing.

I look over my shoulder and shout "Posteriormente!" to his now determined face?

What the hell is he thinking? Oh, well I don't even know his name and I don't the time to deal with his complicated ass. Why am I stll thinking about him anyway?

I switch my brain back into Jiu Jitsu mode and go over my routine again. I have a competition in 2 weeks and a performance for my Latin class in a month.

My routine replaying in my head, I make my way to practice. Well I kinda lied, I don't have official practice but since it's my grandma's funeral today, I'm going to go to the gym and take out my sadness that way.

I hate crying and anyone around me can tell you that. I exercise to become numb and I try never to show any kind of weakness. People only exploit that and use it against you, so why should I give them the ammo?

I unlock the gym, since it wasn't suposed to be open today. My granddad owns it so I can come here and have my peace whenever I wanted.

For 2 hours I put my body through everything: Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, cardio and weight lifting. When I can no longer stand on my feet, I decide it may be time to stop and rest for a bit before going to my actual dance practice.

Just then I hear clapping behind me.

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