[11] Her story

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Ps. I am in love with Nina Dobrev!!

~~~Violet's POV~~~

*Wednesday 17th September*

It's become a natural thing, to see Ashton, Blake and Jace everyday.

Even though most of the time I'm left with Ashton and Blake because Jace and Lea are somewhere together and alone.

I'm happy that she has found someone and Jace finally had the guts to ask her, even though it only took him a week.

They are the cutest couple I have ever seen.

Jace brings her flowers and kisses her not only on the lips but on her fore head or check or neck.

It's Wednesday and my only free day so I'm sleeping in but my version of sleeping in is 9am and I'm already up and ready for my daily workout.

Somehow Blake got a key to the house and comes and goes whenever he wants.

I'm kinda sad because Josh is leaving on Sunday to go back to uni, he has already missed a couple of lectures but his friends are updating him. I always feel like I'm not spending enough time with him compared to when he used to live here of course and I saw his every day.

I make my way to my closet and pull out very short cotton shorts and my normal bra and a sports one to go on top.

Since I'm a size DD, a normal bra or just a sports bra do not work to stop the bounce or spillage. I'm a sporty person but this trait is bitch when running or doing some fast movement.

I don't take a shower because I'm going to be sweating anyway so I'll take one after but I do brush my teeth and wash my eyes so I'm more awake.

I go downstairs to the living room and move some of the furniture so there is even more space here for me to exercise.

I take out my steps,exercise ball and weights and start doing my stretches.

After 5 minutes of stretching I do my warm-up sets of squats.

That's 4 sets x 25 reps.

By the end of that my body is warmed up and I 25 minutes on the steps with only 2 30 second breaks for water.

Next are weighted squats so I add 2 x 30kg plates on the bar and do 2 x 15 reps of squats.

I swap the heavy weights for 2 x 15 kg and do 4 x 15 reps of lunges and by the end of that my legs are a bit numb.

I switch to arm exercises and walk over to the pull up bar that me and my brother use.

I do however many reps I can since I despise pull ups and I find them hard but I manage to do 50.

Next I do 60 push ups and 2 minutes of jumping jacks as well as 3 minute plank.

At the end of all this my body is worn out and I'm out of breath so I do 5 minutes of cool down exercises.

I look up at the clock and see that it's 11am so I make my way back upstairs after I put everything back into place and go and take a much needed shower.

As soon as I walk out of the shower in my towel, the doorbell rings so I walk down to answer it. Completely forgetting that I'm half naked.

I open the door to see Blake, Ashton, Jace and Lea standing there.

Lea hugs me and walks into the house while Jace looks anywhere but me and mutters a hello and walks past me to the living room.

Ashton is shocked and has his mouth open while Blake is smirking and about to open his mouth.

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