[16] Girl's Night In

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~~~Lea's POV~~~

* Tuesday 23rd of September 2014*

Since Sunday I have been on cloud nine and haven't come down once but except for yesterday when Ian came into school.

I hate him with a passion, I know something happened to Vi but I don't know by who but judging by how terrified she is when we see him or someone mentions his name I'm going to guess it's him.

Blake told me last night that he left Vi with Ashton since he didn't want to leave her alone in her house.

I feel like such a shit friend that I have no idea what is going on in my best friends life.

I have spent all my time with Jace but tonight I'm going to drag Vi from Ashton and have a girls night.

We need it, both of us.

I'm just coming out of school since me and the twins are the only ones in school today.

Blake also told me that he heard Ashton and Vi arguing and that they are going on a date.

Even better. She can spill the details and I can't wait to tell her about my own date from the movies.

I feel arms wrap around me and instantly feel the sparks.

"Hey babe." Jace says in my ear making me shiver and smile. I can feel him smiling against my neck and know that he felt me shiver.

I turn around in his arms and loop my arms around his neck and just look at him.

"Hey, handsome." I reply with a smirk when he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Why thank you. I knew you found me attractive." Came a similar voice behind me.

I look back and see Blake smirking at Jace who is now tense.

"Find your own girl, Blake." Jace says and then puts his arm around my shoulder and kinda pushes me out of school and away from Blake.

When we were far away from school and Blake, a.k.a in Jace's car I turned and looked at him to see he is still a little mad.

"What was that about?" I ask him and he snaps his eyes to me.

"Nothing." he mutters and starts the car.

We drive silently in the car for 10 minutes until we reach my house where Jace shuts off the engine but does not get out of the car.

I turn in my seat so I can look at him but he is just staring at my house, straight ahead.

"What made you upset?" I ask in a small voice since I don't think shouting and arguing will help.

"Just some old argument between me and Blake, nothing to do with you." he answers in a softer tone than before.

He then turns like me and just looks at me. He seems to be remembering something and has that far away look on his face.

He then focuses his gaze on me again.

"Well are we just going to sit here or are you going to go in? I have better things to do." he asks me in a cold tone.

My eyes widen for a second before I make my face show no emotion.

I grab my bag and unbuckle my seat belt and open my door and get out, without telling him anything.

I slam the door behind me. I know that's childish but I couldn't help it.

I walk to my front door and don't look back at Jace until I'm inside and he can't see me.

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