[15] Her Song

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~~~Ashton's POV~~~

I can't stand to see Violet like this.

I'm the one that drinks and then wakes up somewhere foreign. She is too good for this shit world.

I know it's Ian visiting her yesterday that brought her over the edge and the urge to kill him is even bigger. I will kill him even if that means going to jail but right now there are people that need me more.

She was starting to close herself off so I knew I needed to do something so she won't turn into a bitch.

I knew the feeling too well.

The feeling that you are all alone and there is no point anymore to fight because nobody cares.

For 2 years I lost myself after the event but meeting Violet brought me back a bit and I don't ever want to go back.

I'll make sure she doesn't go where I've been.

Right now we are in my car and I'm driving her to the impromptu date.

I was planning on taking her to dinner or a movies, I know it's cliche but it works and almost never fails but since with how she was this morning I doubt she would have shown up tomorrow for the actual date.

I have no idea if she will like the idea that I've come up with in the last half an hour but I hope she does.


~~~Violet's POV~~~

We've been in his car for an hour now and I hope that he is taking us to that waterfall again but that's probably my wishful thinking.

I haven't had the time to go back there but with Ian being back I think that place will become my new home.

I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up just like last time , with a gentle brush on my face and green eyes smiling at me.

I rub the sleep from my eyes and see Ashton smiling at me.

"You're so adorable." he tells me before moving to the back of the car.

"How am I adorable?" I ask him, grumbling a little, he laughs at me.

"See you're doing it again." he tells me then comes over to me and pinches my cheek.

"Don't treat me like a child." I tell him seriously. He shakes his head again and goes to the boot again.

I start to make my way to him but he stops me .

"Make your way over to the waterfall. You remember the way right?" he asks me. I nod as my answer.

"I'll get the stuff ready and bring them over while you go there and lay down, wait for me." he tells me but he sounds a little nervous.

"I can carry things too you know." I tell him while rocking back and forth on the heels on my feet.

"Oh, I know you are strong but you go and relax and I'll take care of everything." he smiles at me.

I turn around and make my way down the familiar path and in less than 5 minutes I'm in front of the waterfall and the view takes my breath away, yet again.

The grass and trees are the most vibrant green colour and the contrast between them and the blue and grey of the waterfall is truly breathtaking.

I make my way to the big rock and slide down it, not falling over or needing help this time.

I silently clap in my head, I'm such a dork sometimes.

I must have waited 5 minutes in the water, only my feet , when I hear Ashton behind me.I start to turn around but he tells me not to.

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