[17] Competition

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

* Sunday 28th September 2014*

Today was the day of my competition and I'm a nervous wreck.

The past times I've competed I've had only my brother and Lea there watching me but today I have my boyfriend and his friends here watching me as well. Add to that, one of his friends just loves to play pranks. Guessed who already?

Blake of course.

I'm dressed in my gear and I haven't allowed anyone to be back here with me. I haven't forgotten Ian's note and I know for sure that he will be here today so I need to be at my best so if he tries anything after, I'll be ready. Also I need to show him that I mean business and I won't give up without a fight.

I have 10 minutes until my fight and it's time for me to come out. I close my locker and see an envelope on the door, how did that get here? I'm almost scared to open it because this just shows that Ian is already here and waiting for me.

I open it and look inside.

Hey sweetheart, I came here to support you. I know you'll win but please don't bruise that hot body of yours. I'm going to enjoy it in a couple of weeks and I don't want to see it blue and ugly. Also stop working out so much and loose some weight. Love you so much and see you out there.

from your future husband Ian

My hands start shaking and it felt like there was not enough oxygen in my body.

I won't let him take me again and pretend to be my 'boyfriend', yeah that's what he did for that year. He didn't go out with me in public much but if we ran into people that knew us, he would pretend we were a couple.

That felt even worse than the raping. It was like he was rubbing it in my face that I was dirty and even though people were seeing me but they couldn't help me or that I didn't have the normal relationship that every girl deserves.

One where the person looks at you like you are their world and would do anything for you to be happy and you would do the same and more.

I shake those thoughts and walk out of my door, with new determination. I kinda feel sorry for the girl I have to fight today since I now have a new fight in me and I don't think I'll be going easy on my opponent.

I make my way out of the room and pass the crowds and onto the centre mat where I'm competing. People in the crowd were cheering and making so much noise it was making it hard for me to concentrate. For a second I looked up to the crowd and saw probably hundreds of people shouting and cheering people on.

It was only my match today since it's the final and right now I'm competing for my second dan in my black belt. I try and find my friends and how could I miss them, all the rest of the people were all looking at one place.


He had on a white shirt with my name on it but the worst thing was that he was wearing a neon pink skirt that looked strangely like a tutu. I couldn't help but smile at him.

I full on laughed when I saw Ashton sitting next to him with his hands covering his face and him slouching in the seat, so he is almost on the floor. Then Blake spotted me and started shouting even louder and pushing Ashton and Jace who were next to him and pointing at me.

"GO VIOLET! YOU CAN WIN THIS! DO IT FOR ME BABY!" he was shouting and at the end Ashton hit him at the back of his legs and he fell in his lap.

I started laughing and so did half of the room, now Ashton was shoving Blake off his lap and Blake was pouting but reached for something and my eyes widened.

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