[27] Birthday

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

Isn't it shit when your birthday is on a school day. Well today it's my 18th birthday and also my first day back at school since the incident. I have been doing the homework and trying to keep up with my work but it's hard when I have no teacher to explain it to me.

Lea and Ashton have been amazing since between them I have all my subjects, they have been showing me their notes and explaining things that I don't understand and I could not be more grateful for having such people around.

A-levels are hard enough to pass on your own but to have to almost go through it twice is amazing and I really hope that they didn't do anything special today. I'm just grateful to be here alive and have the people I love with me.

I sometimes really hate that my birthday is in the winter because I have to wear so many layers when in the summer you can just wear a random top, shorts and some flats. On the other hand today I am wearing leggings with a long sweater on top and boots that end just below my knees. Also a belt on my waist and a thin scarf since the sweater is not a turtle neck.

I hear a knock on my door and I shout at the person to walk in and turn to see Ashton enter my room with a big smile on his face while holding a cute purple cupcake with a candle on it. He set the candle in front of me and then walked to his side of the bed and picked up his guitar.

Happy birthday to the girl in front of me. Happy birthday to the girl in my heart.

Happy birthday to my love. Happy birthday to my present.

Happy birthday to my future, she is what every girl wants to be like.

She's what every guy wants but she is mine and today is the day that I will celebrate for the rest of my life as the day that my angel came into this world.

Happy birthday my love, happy birthday to you.

He sang to me while taking small steps towards me and when he was standing in front of me, he put his guitar down and lifted the cupcake to my lips and I bit into it smiling. His eyes are trained on my lips and I can see them darken with lust and this should scare the shit out of me but I know if every part of my being that he loves me and will do nothing to hurt me.

If he wanted to leave, he had plenty of chances but he is still here and helping me through my nightmares when all the boys his age care about is how many girls they can get. I feel so much better and lighter now that I have allowed myself to admit that I love him and let myself love someone without being scared shit less that they will leave me somehow.

I smile at him and he looks into my eyes and his hold some sort of mischief and when he leans down, l think he is going to kiss me but he just kisses the side of my lips and then licks the same spot.

"You had some frosting there." he laughs at my stunned expression and when l realize what he did l start to chase him while laughing. Bear in mind that my room is not that big so he doesn't have much space to run.

"Come back here." I shout at him and he jumps over the bed and lands right in front of me without blinking.

"That was pretty smooth." I comment when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him, all in the matter of a minute.

"Move away from each other, a minor is coming in the room!" Blake shouted while walking into the room with his hands covering his eyes.

"Blake you can stop shouting you dickhead." shouts Ashton back and Blake drops his hands instantly and gives us his innocent smile, I swear this guy is a child and not a young adult.

"Guys we have to leave." said Lea walking, more like running into my room and straight to me. After every person in the room sings me happy birthday we run to the car and we speed to school.

Shh, don't tell anyone!

We made it to form with like seconds to spear but unfortunately there is enough time for the girls to start saying things to me. Lacy walked over to our table and she leaned on her foot and placed her hands on he non existent hips and glared at Ashton's hand that was around my shoulder, while I sat in his lap.

"Now what could be the reason you were missing for nearly a month? Ashton, honey are you sure that the baby is yours?" she bats her eyelashes and pushes her chest towards my boyfriend and if l actually thought that she was a threat then l would be jealous but l know that Ashton loves me and l'm not going to doubt him.

After hearing her little statement, Ashton and l look at each other and break out into laughter at the same time and our tutor even had to tell us to shut up. Guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Lacy was there a reason you are bothering us with your presence." Ashton says when he manages to stop laughing long enough to speak and the whole class hears it. Luckily the bell rang and we all make our way to first lesson which happens to be PE.

What l did not expect is to have some random girl run up to and stop me and start talking to me.

"Violet, thank god l caught you. My sister is here and you have to avoid her at all cost and l mean that. She will ruin you, stay away from Anna. You may not remember me but I'm Rose. l am not trying to trick you. My sister has gone off the rails and l don't want you to be the first victim." she says quickly and before l can answer, the crowd parts like the red sea and the girl that hit me and tortured me walks through.

Happy birthday to me.

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