[19] Insecurities

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"No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star."- For Darkness Shows the Stars

A/N After and during this, some of you might think that Jace is being stupid and he has nothing to worry about but most of us have insecurities that are not true but we feel bad anyway.

I hope this will show some people that nobody is perfect and we have to face our fears and hope for the best, if not then we learn from that experience and become better people.


~~~Jace's POV~~~

Lea was pulling me into a deserted classroom and locked the door behind us. It's lunch time now so we have time and the room should stay empty.

I know that she has finally lost her patience and wants to talk to me about the thing that happened weeks ago, since to her it seems important. To me it is just a little misunderstanding and some of my old insecurities coming through, I hope I haven't scared her away.

She sits on one of the tables and turns to looks at me, not saying anything . I know her silence is her waiting for me to start speaking but no words are coming out.

She seems to be getting madder by the second and right now, I'm honestly scared of her. Her moods change in seconds and each of them is very extreme.

She suddenly shakes her head and starts to get off the desk she was sitting on.

"Wait." I call out before she can walk out of the room, angry with me again.

"Have you found the use of words again?" she asks bitterly.

I sigh knowing that this has been blown way out of proportion and when I tell her, she'll just laugh at me and think of me as weaker and I don't want that.

She sat back down but still says nothing. I sigh and decide that there is no way I cannot tell her what happened before. It's been 3 weeks and I know that if she did something like this then I would want to know what happened and if I've done something wrong.

I owe her this much.

"It's really not that big of a deal. I just got mad that Blake was flirting with you because he always does that and I've told him many times but he doesn't stop." I say, only party telling the main reason for my foul mood.

She nods her head but keeps looking me in the eye and not saying anything. I feel like she is looking through me and I know that she can tell that I'm not saying the complete truth. She crosses her arms and legs and keeps on looking at me.

I am the first to break and look away from her green eyes. I can't believe a little thing like her is so intimidating.

"And?" she asks after a while.

"There has always been competition between us, we are twins and Blake takes everything as a joke and it's his way of testing girls if they are serious about me. I was fine with that and for a while I found it helpful and it got rid of a lot of the girls that just wanted something but then when I got my first serious girlfriend he took it too far." I start, now telling her everything from the beginning.

"We were together for 3 months and I didn't let Blake do the test on her because I was so sure that she was genuine and I was starting to develop strong feelings about her, not love but on the way there. One day she came over to our house and only Blake was there and he was in my room since he wanted to play a game on my computer."

"She of course knew it was him since every time we played a joke on her and tried to test her if she could tell us apart, she always did. I know you can guess what happened next. She forced herself on him and I know this since I walked in and saw Blake trying to get her off him and screaming at her to stop."

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