[25] Wake Up

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Rule Number 3: Never be afraid to show your true emotions.

~~~Ashton's POV~~~

That text message has imprinted itself in my brain and it's not going away.

l can't stand the thought that my girl is lying in some white room, in a coma and totally unaware of the world around her. She should be in the gym punching the shit out of some bag or in the studio dancing her butt off or punching and pushing Blake off of her seat or for him stealing her food.

She should be singing loudly even though she has a terrible voice. She should be throwing flour at me when l try and hug her while she is baking. She should have her head on my chest as l whisper words to her and then she would drift into a sleep that l know she is going to wake up from.

She should be staring into my eyes and giving me that smile that leaves me totally breathless and makes me fall even more in love with her than l already am. Every smile and every touch just makes me feel like the luckiest guy on the planet but right now l want to kill anyone who has caused her any harm or pain.

Next to me l know that Josh is speeding so we can get to the hospital faster and this is too much like the journey l had to take 2 years ago when my own sister was being rushed to the hospital and right now l somehow see myself in Josh.

She better not leave me because l need her and l only just found her.

l know that she is only in a coma but l have no idea what kind of coma it is and how long she will be in one. l really don't want to know the statistics for people waking up from comas and l just hope and pray that she will continue to be the fighter that l know she is and wake up soon.

ln what feels like record time Josh is pulling up to the hospital and once we are parked we both jump out of the car and sprint to the entrance and try to find our way to the reception.

We finally found it and people are looking at us like we are crazy but what the fuck do you expect people. We are in a fucking hospital and running, this is not the happiest time of our lives.

We quickly ask the nurse where she is and it turn out she is right above us so we once again race to the elevator but it's taking too long so l rush up the stairs with Josh close behind me.

We find the room and both of us just suddenly stop in front of it, too afraid to walk in and see the person we love in the condition she is currently in. Almost at the same time, me and Josh take a deep breath and l reach for the handle but when l go to walk in he is not hot on my back, pushing to get it.

Confused l turn around to look at his concerned and pale face to ask why is he just standing there.

"You go in and have your moment with her. Send the others out and l'm going to call my dad to tell him to come home." he tells me and then walk to some near by chairs.

l gather my courage once more and push the door open and walk in. The first thing that hits me is that she is alone in the room and it is actually quite nice for a hospital room.

The main theme was nude and beige and the bed is of course in the middle of the room but l won't let myself look there just as yet. There is a couch beneath a large window and the bed has a TV right ahead but my Violet can't watch it now, can she?

There are other chairs and nightstands but those are not important. l see Lea hugging Jace on the couch while Blake is sitting on one of the chairs underneath the TV and just staring at the wall.

They all look up when l enter the room and l notice all 3 of them have red eyes and are looking at me with sadness and pity. l nod at them and they realize that l want to be alone with her so they leave the room without uttering a single word.

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