[24] Justice

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Rule Number 2: Never lose hope.

~~~Anna's POV~~~

This bitch is really starting to annoy me, well she was always annoying but what's bugging me right now is how Ian will beat her one minute and then look after her the next.

You may be wondering who the fuck I am and l will tell you that l'm the best person you will ever meet. Everyone loves me and if they don't then well, they have a problem on their hands.

l used to live here and be friends with Violet up until we were 10 and then l moved away, hoping that my best friend will still write to me and not forget me but just weeks later l stopped receiving any letters, from anyone.

This may seems like a small thing to you that a childhood friend did not write to me but it made me feel excluded and alone and those things did not help being added to my family problems.

I have an older sister named Rose and she is just 10 months older than me. I know a very small difference.

She is back in Brighton while l moved back here on my own when Ian called me and asked me to come back. It's not like l was enjoying living down in Brighton anyway since l was not in our house but in juvie because l was part of an armed robbery but that's only the little things l've done.

So when l got the call l ran away and came here and moved my things into Violet's house since she is now living with Ian but l have a feeling that some shit will go down soon. I shake those thoughts out of my mind and pick up the tray l'm supposed to take to Violet filled with food. I'm not a god damn maid!

I make my way down to the basement but on my way there l pass Ian's office and see the door open and him watching TV, typical man things.

I make my way towards him making sure to sway my hips and put on my most seductive face that work's on everyone. I even expect Ashton to come knocking down my door begging to fuck me but that's in the future and not right now.

Ian still hasn't noticed me but he does when l walk in front of the TV to set down the tray on the desk, making sure to bend down and show him the curve of my butt and know it's worked when l hear a groan behind me.

l turn around and slowly make my way towards the couch that he is sitting on and when l reach him l lean down, showing him my cleavage and then swing my legs onto the couch so l'm straddling him and press my whole body to the length of his.

When l sit down on him l expected to feel his erection but l felt nothing down there which is strange since every man l've met wants me and there are no exceptions.

"What's got you so down baby?" l purr in his ear but he doesn't react, must be because of that bitch Violet. Why does she have this effect on everybody?

"Why are you here and not giving Violet her food?" he asks me in a hard tone and it's hard for me not to show the anger on my face but l manage to keep a straight face.

"Have you seen her, she needs to lose a little bit of weight." l spit out venomously but catch myself too late and the words are out now. I was expecting him to be angry and push me off him but he looks thoughtful and not angry so l let out the breath l was holding.

"You might be right, go and take that food back to the kitchen and just give her an apple for today and a banana for tomorrow." he says and then pushes me off him and goes out of the room to Violet l guess.

l walk back to the kitchen and grab an apple for the whore and once more make the journey to the basement but when l enter, I don't like the sight in front of me. Violet is once again tied to the pole in the middle of the room with her head down but Ian is next to her stroking her hair and the bitch is just there and not reacting to the attention she is getting.

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