[8] Hard Truth

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~~~Josh's POV~~~

I know plenty of guys like Ashton, they think they are God's gift to Earth and girls like Violet are their prey but she is my angel to protect.

I look over at her and I feel a smile form on my face. She is the light in my dark world and people need to be damn grateful to be in her presence.

She is asleep in her bed, where I carried her up a minute ago. She fell asleep on me downstairs when we were catching up and watching movies.

It's now 1.30am and I am going to find that bastard. How dare he go around my sister when he knows what kind of scum he is and he dares to touch and hug her?

I let myself out of the house and lock it, also turning on the alarms. I make my way to my old car, my little sister even has a better car than me, I mean no one at my university knows that but then again I haven't told anyone that I have a little sister.

Since I don't know where he lives I call Ian because he knows everything.

"Hey." comes his raspy voice, he must be smoking.

"Hey bro, I'm back in town for a bit and I need some help."

"I'm kinda screwing twins right now, bro! You're lucky I can multitask coz these hoes as insatiable. This is the third time tonight!" That's when I head the moans and groans in the back ground.

I shake my head at my still playboy friend, not that I would turn down twins.

"Save some for me too, bro." I laugh and joke.

"Don't worry there's plenty to share." he gives a throaty laugh while I hear him smack one of the girls butt or tits.

I snap back to the reason I called him, I can get laid after my visit to lover boy.

"Look the reason I called is I want Ashton's phone number or his home address. I have to speak to him." I say, laughter is no longer present in my voice and Ian sensed that.

"After I'm done, which is soon I'll text you his number but I know he lives near the park so make your way there and wait for me to text you." he says and hangs up without saying goodbye.

I step on the gas and make my way over to the park because knowing Ian I will have the number and address before I even get there, he is loyal and right to the point. With that thought, my phone beeped next to me telling me that I have a text.

I open up the text and the first thing I see is a picture that he sent me of the two girls fucking with a dildo.

I look further down and see the address, I'll focus on the picture later.

I see that I am on the street that he lives on and I dial his number.

There are a couple of rings before he picks up.

"Hello?" comes his groggy reply, I must have woken him up.

"This is Josh, Violet's brother. Get dressed, come outside and get in my car. I want to talk to you." with that I hang up the phone and lay back to wait for the douche bag.

After barely 5 minutes of waiting I see him come out of his house and walk towards me, well his house is more like a mansion. He gets in the car and I silently drive off to the nearby park so we can talk.

There is nearly no one on the streets at this time and I've only seen like 2 cars on my way here. I look at the clock and I see it's already 2:30am.

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