[22] Love Hurts

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~~~Blake's POV~~~

This girl has gone absolutely bat shit crazy. I love it!

Just last week when I showed that video of her and my brother she threw her shoes at the screen and the other one was aimed at my head. That shit hurts!

Now she is at our house and I'm sitting on the couch while she fires like 50 questions per second at Jace, who looks like he wants to pull out his hair by the roots.

"Where do you think she is? She hasn't called me, what if something happened to her? Are you guys even listening to me? There is a unicorn fucking a cow outside." She says and point out the window.

I had been paying attention because her questions are hilarious and it's a bonus that she's annoying my brother and I have a bit of break from that duty. I laugh at her but Jace wasn't paying attention so he actually looked outside and I fell of my chair laughing and couldn't stop until Lea came over to me and kicked me in the stomach.

That set Jace off laughing and she was just standing the middle of the room glaring at both of us.

"Guys shut the fuck up or you will find out the pain of giving birth." She shouted at us and that caused both me and Jace to shut up instantly.

"What do you want?" I ask now bored of her moods and wanting for her to leave so I can walk around in my underwear.

"I want you guys to give me answers or drive me to Ashton's so I can get some answers." She says in a tone that says we should have figured this out hours ago.

"Come on, I'm driving you." I say and sigh getting up from my very comfortable spot on the floor.

"I'm coming too." Shouts Jace and runs after us. I roll my eyes at his childish behaviour. I don't want Lea and I won't try to steal her from him, he needs to get that through his head.

"Hurry up Barbie." I shout back as I get into my car. He runs out after us and calls shotgun, making Lea sit further away from me but I think that they have talked and she knows everything, or so I hope.

I start driving to Ashton's house and when we near the street there are cars parked everywhere and when we reach his house there is a full blown party here.

He hasn't thrown a party since he met Violet. I have a feeling something is very wrong. We get out of my car and walk up to the front door that is open and blaring music is filling the whole street if not half the city.

Something is very wrong.

Lea has stormed off in front of us. Jace and I are just looking at each other with worried expressions that Ashton has fallen back into his old habits and this time it looks worse than before. There are naked girls everywhere and guys taking in the view, which makes me feel sick that we have come to this.

I firmly believe that you can have fun without or with a little bit of alcohol and your clothes on, unless it's a pool party or you're at the beach or not surrounded by hundreds of people.

People need to learn to have a little more self-respect.

I think I know exactly where Ashton is so I head up to his fuck room, while Jace starts looking for Lea.

He better not be with a girl in there.

I walk straight in and see him sitting in a chair and watching some girls who are using the pole in the middle of the room to try and create a show. They look pathetic and Ashton doesn't look too impressed either.

I walk up to him and hit the back of his head with full force and watch him fall forward and look up at me with red eyes and my anger spikes even more.

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