[7] Mi Hermano

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Ps. Josh to the side, does anyone else watch Baby Daddy?

~~~Violet's POV~~~

*Friday 12th September 2014*

It's now Friday and the end of the first week back at school.

I'm so glad it's over and this is my last year in school, well I think it is but I don't know if I'll need a uni degree to get into Interpol. Probably, well that dampened my already bad mood.

I am currently in my Spanish lesson, which is period 3 and my teacher has confused herself with the tenses and what our subject for the exam is. I look up at the clock and see that we only 10 minutes left anyway.

I carry on doing my prep for the exam because unlike my teacher I know what I'm supposed to do, I mean we have been doing this since Year 10 and we just need the topic and we are ready to do the exam. My whole class is now fluent in Spanish so I don't see why currently my teacher look like she wants to cut all of her hair off.

That is saying something because my teacher has a ponytail down to her butt and looks like a stereotypical hippy. I know more about her hair regime than that of my own, she likes to go into these random stories right in the middle of class.

The bell then rings and I quickly put my things away and start to make my way to my 4th lesson which is Chemistry and Ashton is in it.


We haven't stopped talking and hanging out since Sunday, we have form or some class each day and he makes sure to be next to me in those classes and sit with me at lunch and break as well, if we here for that long.

I am definitely developing more than a crush on him. On Monday I was so embarrassed that I had fainted on him, I hate showing weakness to anyone and I did just that in the worst possible way.

On Tuesday Blake acted really weird towards me because he thinks that he was the cause of my meltdown but only Lea and Ashton know the real cause. I am not ready to tell anyone else and Ashton is not even supposed to know but he just overheard me arguing with Ian. He doesn't know everything though so I feel like I am not as weak as he thinks.

I don't tell a lot of people or let them get close enough because if I tell them after they look at me with such pity and start to treat me like a broken mirror with huge cracks in it. With every time they treat me like that it reminds of how weak I was for a whole year.

I am outside my Chemistry class and there are only 3 other people inside, others are late.Since I missed my lesson on Monday I had a lot of work to catch up but since this is A-level I have each of classes each day so this is my 4th Chemistry lesson this year.

I of course sit next to Ashton and he has made a little tradition that each lesson he would tell me a Chemistry joke, he said I don't smile enough and that is his current mission in life. 

To make me smile.

I make my way to the back and sit down next to him, he is doodling so I decide to startle him and hug him from behind. As soon as I do that he jumps a little and twists around to see who it is and when he sees me he gives me a huge smile and places his hands on top of mine, securing me in place.

I try and take my hands away but he tightens his hold on me and shakes his head.

"You are not leaving me now." he sounds like a little kid but his hold is certainly not one of a child.

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