[6] Dead Weight

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

My first lesson of the year, which was Spanish, was of course boring and no one is ready to start learning again. For me the class is pretty easy seeing as I'm Latina and both my parents speak Spanish. I was born in England but my roots are Hispanic.

We just went trough a couple of texts to make sure we didn't forget everything about the language and how to speak it.

Psychology was 2nd and it was so much fun like always,it's my fun subject.

I do Spanish,PE, Chemistry and Psychology for my A-levels.I am even doing all 4 of them for A2 which is absolutely crazy and I know that I am going to regret it in the future but for now I am motivated to make it work.

I need Spanish for Languages because Interpol and FBI like people that speak multiple languages. PE, obviously I like fitness and you need to be fit to be in that kind of work. Chemistry I wanted to do if my law stuff didn't plan out. Like I said Psychology is my fun subject that interests me but I don't necessarily need but want to study since I think it's going to be something useful no matter what my job is.

Our break just finished so it's time for 3 and 4th lesson which for me is double PE, but I don't mind. PE clears my mind and releases my anger and frustration that I have to hide otherwise.

I make my way to my locket to get my PE kit and when I have it I make my way to the changing rooms, because we are sixth former's and the oldest in the school, we are allowed to wear whatever sportswear we want and not the one we wore for 5 years while we were younger. Thank God, I hated those with a passion!

The changing rooms are nearly empty because not many girls do PE as an A-level, they are too lazy or don't need it for later.

I see Lea in out normal changing place so I make my way over to her.

In case you didn't guess, Lea is my best friend since we were born because our mothers and fathers have known each other since high school and yes my parents were high school sweethearts and had the love you watch and read about.

I have an older brother who is 21 and currently in his last year in uni. His name is Josh and he is the best brother you could ask for but I rarely even see him. He nearly never comes home from uni because dad is always working and not home and he doesn't have much to do other than babysit his younger sister, which is not his top priority or wish.

My mum died from cancer and we've all not been the same since.

I try and shake the sad thoughts from my head as I set my school bag and gym kit next to Lea. She still hasn't noticed me so I decode to give her a little scare. I stand behind her and poke her sides making her squeal and jump in the air and making me laugh like always,by the way she is REALLY ticklish.

She turns around and gives me a death glare that others would cower over but I'm still laughing.

"Hey bestie." I greet her finally after my laughing fit. She is still glaring at me but I can see her fighting a smile.

"Hey flamingo." she greets back with the nickname she knows I don't like. Stereotypical, yes but she calls me flamingo because I'm Hispanic and we dance the Flamenco which to her is close enough to the animal.

We quickly get changed after that, not needing pointless chitchat between us, we have learned to communicate with looks and body language.

We walk out to meet our teacher and to find out what we're doing but when we go into the hall we see the boys and their teacher and no sign of a female teacher.

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