[29] Dance with me

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

"Violet get up off of your fat ass and do something. You have been laying here for the past couple of days, you are gaining weight and falling into depression again. Now get up and go take a shower!" shouts Lea while coming into my room.

School has been out for a couple of days and l haven't been talking to any of my friends or even answering my boyfriend when he calls me or when he came and started banging on the door, l texted all of them that l was OK and went back to my bed where l wallowed in my memories that are eating me alive.

It's the 22nd of December and it's close to Christmas. Everyone else is happy and excited but it just reminds me that this is the first year l won't spend Christmas with my mum. She's gone and there is nothing l can do to get her back.

l am slowly coming to terms with the fact that Ian will never hurt me again and that Anna is trying to improve her life and she has been in rehab for 2 weeks now and is doing great.

Surprisingly Rose has become our friend and she is probably the sweetest girl you will ever meet. l have never heard her swear or be rude to anyone, even when Blake has made it his mission to annoy the crap out of her or as he put it 'release the bad girl in her'. We just think that he likes her and makes up excuses to talk to her.

This brings me to today where my best friend is shouting at me with a red face and with her hands on her hips looking more like a grandma rather than an 18 year old.

"Why do l have to do that?" l ask annoyed and she huffs and walks back out the door to presumably grab something. l was right, when l see her walk back in with Rose behind her. One of them holding a dress bag and the other a shoe box.

"This is why now go and shower, you know me well enough that l will push you in there and shower with you, just to make sure you do it. Now go!" she shouts while pushing me to my private bathroom.

"Fine, fine." l mutter while closing the door. l take off my summer pajamas and walk to the hamper but happen to catch my refection in the mirror on the way.

l look like death itself!

My hair is greasy and up in a bun on the side of my head, my face is dry and my lips are chapped. l also haven't shaved my legs in a week. OK, l definitely needed this kick in the butt. It takes me longer than usual to take a shower because judging by the stuff Lea and Rose bought, this is something important and l need to look my best or at least presentable.

l wash my hair twice and put conditioner on the bottom half while l shave my legs, between my legs and armpits. That feels much better. Next l take my rose and vanilla scented body wash and wash every nook and cranny on my body to get rid of the dirty feeling.

I exit the bathroom to see Lea and Rose looking through my make-up and hair and skin care collection and take out things that they are going to need.

"Now will someone tell me what this thing is about?" I say and they jump like 5 feet in the air and somehow turn to look at me.

"She looks like a person again!" says Lea and Rose elbows her in the stomach.

"Be nice." says Rose, making me smile. l told you she was the nicest person you will meet.

"There is no time for being nice. Sit on the bed." she orders me and when l don't move fast enough she comes over to me and drags me to the bed.

"First put on this underwear." she hands me the smallest thong and push up bra l own. This must be a joke. l only bought these for a joke. My chest is big enough without a push up bra and the panties are uncomfortable and somehow make my butt look even bigger.

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