[9] Ninja Skills

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~~~Ian's POV~~~

It's been a year already and she still hasn't come back to me! I can't wait anymore.

Sex with her was the best and I know for sure that I am the only one she was ever with,unlike me but hey I'm a guy and she hasn't done anything to satisfy me in all the time we have been apart now.

I though she would be back soon and if not then I would make my move again and I nearly did but she had to go and become friends with that douche bag Ashton.

I am the only man that is ever going to touch her!

Thank God that one of my best friends or the closest to having a friend is her brother, and he hates Ashton's guts. He probably has already put him in the hospital with his little visit last night.

I am going to break them up before they get too serious and make sure that Josh doesn't find out about me sleeping with his baby sister at 15. No guy want his friend and baby sister together!

I'm going to ask him to date her since her father has suddenly started living in his work after her mothers death.

The make-up sex is going to be great!


~~~Violet's POV~~~

I am woken up by my bed moving and shaking like a freaking bouncy castle!

I open my left eye and look over my shoulder since I am laying down on my stomach. I look back and see Blake jumping up and down on my bed and having fun whooping and yelling like a 2 year old kid whose parents are not in the house to tell him off.

Josh is standing at the door and looking quite amused at the inner child of Blake coming out but to be fair when is it not around.

"WAKEY,WAKEY!" Blake shouts at me while jumping down next to me and catching his breath.

He is now spread out next to me and has one arm over his face to shield him from the light.

"What time is it?" I grumble into my pillow.

"It's now 12." a familiar voice says from the doorway and I look back to see Ashton in the doorway next to my brother.

When did they get here and why am I waking up at 12?

"I turned off your alarm this morning." answers my brother when he sees my confused expression.

I fall back onto my pillow and count to 10 before I get up from my bed.

I don't care what I look like right now. It could be the start of the zombie apocalypse and I wouldn't care.

I make my way to the door but notice that the whole room has gone silent and Josh has left, probably to make breakfast and the guys are staring at me weirdly.

Ashton's face is unreadable while Blake has a smirk on his face.

"Why are you guys suddenly so quiet?" my voice still sounds sleepy.

"Nothiiing. Just enjoying the show." says Blake and I furrow my brows at him confused as to what show. He just laughs while Ashton is scowling at him.

For best friends these guys sure do piss each other off a lot. I look down at my clothes and I think I get what Blake meant.

I'm only in some short cotton shorts that barely cover my ass and show the length of my legs, while on top I'm wearing a crop top with no bra underneath. I roll my eyes at him and make my way to my dresser and grab clothes for today.

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