[14] Jace and Lea

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Lea's dress is the picture above :)

~~~Lea's POV~~~

*Sunday 21st September 2014 *

It's Sunday and Jace still hasn't taken me on a date.

Things have been great between us but he hasn't asked me out but we have been acting like a couple and it's a little confusing to be honest.

I hope he asked me out on our date but that still hasn't happened so I don't know what to think.

Most nights we would hang out at his place,mine or at the bar he works in but it seems that Blake is always there.

I don't mind Blake but I want some alone time with Jace but it seems like he doesn't want that as well.

Jace and I have only kissed and I may sound like a slut but I want to do more with him, since there is so much chemistry between us.

I don't mean for us to go all the way but to have more than a peck or a kiss, but a proper kiss filled with passion so it lets me know that he feels the same heat and is attracted to me.

I am normally not self conscious but I would need to be blind to not notice that every where he goes, he gets stared at lustfully.

I don't like it at all.

That scares me since I met him 2 weeks ago and we aren't even official yet, so I don't have any reason to act possessive but I am.

Damn it!

I am just finishing washing the lunch dishes when my mum's phone beeps , signalling that there is a text message.

I look over at her and see her send me a secretive smile and types back a reply.

Then my phone beeps and I look over and see a text from my dad.

"Pack a bag for the whole day. "

That's all it read and it left me confused.

My dad rarely ever calls me or texts me so to get one from his is a little surprising and even more since it's the weekend and I'll probably see him in a couple of minutes since he is out doing some chores.

The next thing is that we only go on holiday once a year and that's either in the summer or for Christmas, depending on the year.

My dad is not a fan of phones and texting so he tells me things when he comes home from work rather than texting me.

So now you see why I'm surprised and confused.

Even with those emotions the longer I think about the text the more excited I get since it means we are going somewhere and who doesn't like to get away just for a bit.

I take my phone and make my way upstairs to pack my bag.

I am halfway through packing my bag when my phone beeps again and I look at it to see that it's from Violet and I end the call and Skype her right away since I can't really talk right now.

The last 2 weeks I feel like we haven't spent so much time together and make a mental note to have a night for just us and no boys.

That makes me laugh since 2 weeks ago we never had to worry about boys interrupting us or having to make plans around them.

When we were 13 and started liking we made a promise that our friendship would come before any guy and I realize I haven't done that these past weeks.

Her pink face comes onto my phone and I wonder why she is so red in the face but I see the gym behind and know she must have just finished her work out.

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