[13] Terror

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~~~Ian to the side~~~

~~~Violet's POV~~~

* Monday 22nd of September*

Since yesterday I've been confused and don't know how to act around Ashton anymore.

I guess I'll go to the date and try not to fall under his charms too much. I need to stay protected. I don't know why I even let my guard down around him to begin with.

I just finished my Physcology lesson and I still haven't seen Ashton at all today, he is either ignoring me or I'm succeeding in ignoring him.

Even though we have form together, I came in late and didn't sit down next to him like normal but on the opposite side of the room.

I saw that Lacy was talking to him so I just chose to stay away from them.

I know I'm not his girlfriend or something and have no right to be jealous but I was and I hated myself for it.

I was also too quick to judge because the whole time Ashton was frowning and trying to get rid of Lacy while she just kept trying to sit on his lap or touch him in some manner.

At the end he just stood up and walked out of the room.

I only have one lesson today so in about 20 minutes I can leave for lunch since it's 4th period.

I know for sure that the others can leave as well, except for Jace who has to do something after lunch.

Jace and Lea have been the cutest couple you can find.

They are always together and when they are rarely apart they can't stop talking about the other person and daydream about them, sometimes it can get annoying but right now it is still adorable.

Last night Lea managed to come over to my place so we can catch up and so I'm not alone now that Josh has left back for uni.

Jace asked her out on a date and she is super nervous about it and freaking out that once she lets go around him and acts her crazy self, he will stop liking her and push her away for someone more normal.

I still haven't seen my dad, he only sent me an e-mail saying that he was going to be in Europe for 2 months and he was proud of me for taking care of myself.

I miss him terribly but what can I do when his only escape is his work and I remind him of his loss every time he sees me.

I think mom's death shook him the most.

Me and Josh have cried and cried for her but dad had to be strong for us and not let us see how much he misses her.

Mum and dad were soul mates. They loved each other even after 25 years of marriage and 2 kids.

In March dad turned 45 and it was his first birthday without his other half and it was only a little under a month since her death.

He stayed locked in their room and was looking at pictures and watching home movies with my mum in it.

My parents have a tradition that for their birthdays, one of them, they would go some place, by themselves and leave me and Josh with some relatives.

They would relax and send us postcards from where they are and bring us presents.

As you can probably guess this year it was going to be dad's birthday and they were supposed to go to Venice where they got engaged 27 years ago.

I feel so sorry for my dad and if I could take his pain along with mine, I would.

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