Thank You

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This is the last note of the book where I just want to take the time and say thank you to all of you. I know that this is not the best book out there but thank you for sticking with it and giving it so much love!

I will be writing Josh's book in the future but I can't give you guys a date yet, however, I do have ideas and am looking forward to writing it. If you guys have any names then comment and let me know, I have some in mind but nothing is sticking out at the moment.

Check out my other stories if you like my writing so here are the summaries so check them out if you like what you see.

Lots of love, Adelina.

My other books:

Living With The Boys: 

Hope doesn't have the best background ever so the fact that she is going to university is a miracle in itself. She answers an add for a room in a house filled with 3 other guys but she just wants to focus on her studies.

Mike and Mark are the 23 year old twins who are nearly finished with their Masters so both of them are not thinking about girls.

Martin is 21 and good looking, he lives with the twins and he likes to party and live, not love.

Mix in cheating exes and pizza boys, with an unconventional relationship and secret feeling and you will get an interesting last and first year of university.

Serving Love:

Olivia's biggest dream is to help people and to never let an innocent rest in jail when they could be living life, that's why she became a lawyer. She is just beginning her career when she is given her biggest case to date.

The murder of Alex Jackson and now his best friend is being charged for his murder.

Alec Ocean has not had the best start in life but for sure he is not a killer but he has no way of proving that, why would the court believe a guy with a criminal record?

Now that the two of them meet, the attraction is instant but there are so many reasons to ignore it but that is not what Alec wants to do.

He wants Olivia and he is going to get her, no matter what the cost is. Now they both have to choose between lust and responsibility but when you mix in dark pasts with lose murderers and people scared to love, they may just get sentenced to love.

Someone To Cherish:

Amelia has just started her 1st year at university with her boyfriend of 2 years, Kevin. They are happier than ever, however when she moves into the new town, she feels as if there is something missing.

All that Kevin wants is to finish university and marry Amelia. He wants to have a calm and organised life and just forget all about his past.

Arian is the 3rd in command of the most powerful pack in the whole world. He is closed off and has only one friend, Luca.

Luca is the beta of the pack and funniest and most outgoing guy you can find. He is easy going but you never want to see him angry.

Mixing humans and werewolves sometime doesn't work since one of them love to run through the forest and be wild and free while the other group would be partying and drinking.

Read on to find out how secrets coming out change the dynamics of the small town and how new found love and friendships are tested.

At the end of it all, does everyone find someone to cherish?

Painful Love:

A model living life as an ordinary girl, pretending for the cameras and everyone around her.

She has a dark past that only a few know but if there is one thing she's learned is that, love is painful.

Both psychically and emotionally, which is why she is dead set on never falling for someone again. But life sometimes has different plans. 

Bred To Serve:

What do you do when your whole life you are being bred to serve someone else? What do you do when you are finally bought and you have the perfect life but you want more?

You are stuck living the life that someone else made for you but are you strong enough to make your own life?

Imagine having all the money that you will ever need and more. The biggest houses and the most expensive jewelry but none of the important things.

You try and fit in but the life is not for you.

Waking up in paradise with no interruptions may seem perfect but is it ideal to wake up and not have met or seen your groom on your wedding day?

Then later finding out that he is twice your age and the stereotypical man whole who doen't give a shit about you.

Then you meet the perfect man but how can you get out from a life long contract?

Sexy One Shots [18+]:

A collection of short erotic stories that will bring your fantasies to life.


A collection of poems about love, loss and hurt.

Love at Last [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now