[4] Hold Me

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

I am now again driving and the silence in the car is not at all uncomfortable, like I was expecting. We haven't said anything since we left the dance studio.

He goes between watching the city out the window and sometimes glancing at me, I don't think he knows that I see him watching me right now.

There is something different about him, at first I though he was just a normal football jerk but why would he offer to watch over me if he cared about no one? I have been with him for most of my day.

I know he was there a while when I was training in the gym, the door was just a distraction I am very grateful for. My energy was gone and I don't know if I would have been able to beat Ian in a fight at that moment.

Ian is the biggest scum I have ever heard or met. He is not bellow fighting with a girl and using his full power and then walk out smirking and making you disappear so you can't tell your story to anyone.

I cannot wait for my 18th birthday so I can finally do something about him, here in England you have to be 18 to join the army or any organization like that.

I have been training for 2 years now and I am pretty confident I can get in. Having your virginity taken from you on your 15th birthday makes you do that.

Ian knows everyone in the police and if it's his word against mine, we know who they will listen to. I am going to get him behind bars if not for me then for the others he has hurt.

All the girls from my dance class have been abused by him, whether physical or emotional. They finally got free or Ian just let them go so he can visit them whenever he liked.

He stopped visiting me last year when I was 16, the day I decided to fight back and take back my life. Ian had made a comment that I was getting too muscular and he didn't like it and I was making me look like a man. I beat him that day and he has hated me ever since, he lost his golden girl, he always said I was special to him.

Ashton is still looking at me and it makes me uncomfortable, I never liked attention, more so after Ian. If I got attention that mean another 'lovemaking' was going to happen a little after.

"What?" I turn and ask him.

"Nothing. I was wondering if you would let me take you somewhere and show you something." he said softly.

I don't like that I wanted to go with him, I only met him today and he knows far too much about me already.

"You only want to drive my car." I decide to take the easy way and tease him. He smiles softly at me.

"There is that, but I want to get to know you and show you my favourite place." he says really quietly, I almost didn't hear most of that sentence.

"Why would you want to do that?" I ask confused, I am damaged goods. Why would anyone bother with getting to know me?

I can see that he wants to say something but is stopping himself.

"It's just a magical place and I though I could show you a place where I go to escape from the world." he says looking at me.

I have been looking for a place like that, but being in England with so many big cities it's kind of hard to find a secluded space like that. I guess he hasn't done anything bad so far, I shouldn't judge him so harshly just because of assholes like Ian.

"I would like that." I say quietly.

He sends me a big smile and motions for me to pull over so we can change seats. We swap and he turns to be with a massive smile and says.

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