[20] The Way You Lie

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On the first page of our story. The future seemed so bright. Then this thing turned out so evil. I don't know why I'm still surprised. Even angels have their wicked schemes. And you take that to new extremes. But you'll always be my hero. Even though you've lost your mind.- Rihanna

~~~Violet's POV~~~

*23rd of October*

We were taking the day off today, well I was anyway, I don't know about Ashton.

I know it's only our 1 month anniversary but this month with him has been one of the best in my life. I would like to think that he is not one of those boyfriends that forgets an important date and then tries to make for it.

This one is not as important as say a 1 year would be but you never know if we will make it that long, so this would show me early on if he cares and if he taking this seriously.

Now the big dilemma, is what to wear?

I don't even know if he is taking me anywhere but I would like to hope so.

I walk over to my wardrobe and decide to pick something kind of casual but that will make me look good. I decide on a long blue cotton dress that hugs my curves but is soft and comfortable, I don't want to wear a tight dress that will cut off my breathing.

I put that on and grab a black purse and a long necklace that goes down below my chest and to my waist. I also grabbed a pair of medium heels and straightened my hair so it fall down my back in smooth strands.

I look at the clock and see that it's now 3pm and all classes should have ended so I don't know why I only had one text from Ashton this morning and it was a good morning text, as cute at that is it's not what I wanted to hear today.

I hear the doorbell ring so I walk over and open the door to reveal a bouquet of red roses that were hiding the person.

"Delivery for a Miss Violet?" came a rough voice that sounded like the person has smoked their whole life.

"Thank you." I reply politely and take the flowers and sign the form.

"Have a good day, miss." he says and sends me a wink.

"You too." I say uncomfortable and nearly slam the door.

I make my way to the kitchen and place the flowers in a vase. They look breathtaking even if they are the traditional red roses. When I was arranging them I notice a note and smile, anticipating what the message is saying.

I open it in a hurry and the smile on face dies instantly.


Meet me at the park, we need to talk.


The note was very brief and sounded nothing like Ashton but I have to go and meet him, it might just be a surprise and he is just winding me up for a joke. I take my bag and exit my house, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

What would we need to talk about? Surely today we just have to enjoy ourselves and celebrate our love?

Wait....Did I really just think that? NO! I can't be falling in love, it's too soon.

I've never been in love before. What if this is not love and just adoration or puppy love?

Now that I think back, in the month that I've know him, he is always on my mind but I have no idea what love is. Sure I love my family and Lea but that is completely different and I have no clue what I'm feeling and it's scaring the shit out of me.

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