[12] Kiss

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~~~Violet's POV~~~

*Sunday 21st September 2014*

My alarm rings and I get up before the snooze can start, for once.

Today I'm feeling great and since Wednesday I've been trying not to think about Ian and his text message but that's a pretty hard thing to do.

It's been exactly 2 weeks since I met Ashton and I can definitely say that I have a crush on him, but I'm sure it's only one sided.

Today I don't have dance practice since next week is my martial arts competition and I need to train a lot.

I will be training everyday except Saturday so I can rest a little and not be sore on the day.

I take a quick shower and make my way downstairs, my brother has gone back to uni so I'm alone and rarely see my dad. The last time I saw him was a week ago and that was only for about 10 minutes.

I eat protein pancakes and grab my already packed gym back and lock up the house.

I decide I'm going to walk to the gym since that will be my warm up.

It takes me 25 minutes to get to the gym and it's open for everyone today, so I'm going to use one of the back rooms to practice.

For the past week Jace has been helping me with some of the moves that need a partner and I learned that he is a black belt like me but he is much better than me, more controlled and stronger, obviously.

I enter the gym and see that there are about 10 people here and all of them are guys and some of them turn to look at me when I walk in but I ignore them and quicken my pace because stares always make me uncomfortable.

I make it to the back room and walk in, not bothering to check if anyone is there because I am the only one supposed to have access to the room today.

I take off my coat and baggy sweatpants and I'm left with yoga pants and a tank top over my 2 bras.

I turn around when I hear the faint buzz of music and see Ashton, shirtless while punching and kicking a punching bag and not noticing that I'm in the room and watching him.

I stay like that for a couple of minutes but can you blame me with the view I have right now?

His abs look like they have been oiled up and his face is full of concentration and termination , his whole body would contract and tense with every move and punch he makes.

I decide to make myself known, before he finds me staring and possibly drooling.

I make my way over behind him and stop his elbows from punching, hugging right away would be too dangerous right now, I might end up with a black eye.

He instantly stops when he feels another person and turns around while taking his earphones off.

He is breathing really heavily and sweat is dripping from him, his face was turned into a scowl for someone interrupting him but when he saw it was me, he gave me a big smile.

He goes to hug me but I step away because he is really sweaty, he looks at me confused but realises why I didn't want to hug him and looks at me with an evil grin.

He walks slowly towards me, while I'm moving backwards. He keeps walking towards me until my back hits the wall and I'm trapped between concrete and hot muscle.

I look up at his face and see that he no longer has a smirk on his face but is looking at my lips really intently.

I think I look the same.

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