[30] Mistletoe Kisses

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Chapter 29 was private.

~~~Violet's POV~~~

It's Christmas and we are all spending the holidays in the cabin that Ashton took me a couple of days ago. It is absolutely gorgeous and it has this homely feel to it.

We came here on the 22nd and the others came on the 24th, so we had a little bit of time to ourselves. It turns out that Lea had packed me a bag with clothes for the whole time we are going to be here and Ashton loved going through all the weird and skimpy underwear she packed for me.

There are 3 rooms in here and of course I and Ashton are staying in one room and Jace and Lea in the other but it's going to be interesting to see how Blake and Rose get on since it's clear that he likes her but they are constantly arguing if they are in the same room.

I have spoken to Ashton and he told me that he spoke to Blake and that he likes her for sure but he doesn't know how to approach her so he just annoys her. I have also been watching Rose and she does get annoyed at him but if you look closely you can see her smile a little bit when he is looking away.

They both look and follow the other across the room with this soft look in their eyes and we are all confident that we can bring them together this Christmas. It is plainly obvious that they are perfect for each other.

He is always joking but caring about everyone while she is quiet and nice and does not take crap from anybody. They will balance each other out and I seriously find it the cutest thing ever when Blake just goes silent when she walks into the room and immediately goes to talk to her or in his case annoy her.

It's Christmas morning and it's only 5am so I just can't bring myself to wake anyone up. Ashton is fast asleep next to me and he looks so handsome it should be illegal.

His dark hair is all over the place and he looks so peaceful but the best thing is when l try to move away he just beings me back even closer to him. It makes me feel wanted and protected that he would notice me missing even in his sleep.

I turn so that l am lying to face him and lift my hand to trace his face, it might sound weird but l could stay like this forever and not get bored. My ass will probably be sore from all the sleeping and lying down but then the sight in front of me would compensate for everything.

He starts moving in his sleep and l smile that l will get to see his eyes in a little bit. I have also learned that one of my favourite things is his voice in the morning. It is absolutely drool worthy.

"Good morning beautiful." He says sleepily but his eyes are still closed.

"Good morning handsome. How do you know l am not an ugly troll in the morning?" I half joke since probably every woman is worried about how she looks in the morning, it's even worse if you sleep so wild like me. I can't choose one position but move during the whole night.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world and the best moment of my day is when l wake up to you in my arms so l don't care what you look like because you will always be the only one for me." He says and finally opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Can you get any more perfect?" l meant to say in my head but somehow my brain doesn't want to operate this morning so l manage to say it out loud.

"If you come closer l'll become even more perfect and l would be able to bask in your perfection close up." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Since we first slept together he has suddenly become this sex craving man and l guess he was hiding that before in case he would scare me away. We have rarely left the bed, just to shower or eat and even those spaces were taken over by our passion.

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