[10] Bar Fights

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~~~Jace's POV~~~

It's now 6:50 pm and I'm just getting out of my car to go into The Red Lion bar where I work as a bartender.

I didn't want to leave Lea and the others but what can I do,I have a job to do and it pays decently.

I walk in the back way and take off my coat and put on a black t-shirt with the bar logo on the front.

It's not that busy right now but because it's Friday night it's soon going to be busy, also because we are the only bar in a couple of miles because we are in a quiet part of London and not much happens here. There used to be more pubs but recently they have been closing down like flies which is good for our business.

Even though I'm on the job I can't take my mind of Lea and her smile.

She is just like a ray of sunshine everywhere she goes, I have not once see her upset or angry.

It's now 8pm and the place is packed just like I knew it would be.

There is a group of guys that are watching the girls like prey. There is always a group of drunk males just about out of puberty that like to come here and drink to oblivion and try and sleep with as many girls as they can in one night.

Whatever happened to sex meaning something?

I'm not saying be with one person your whole life but at least remember who you are giving your body to. Just then the group of boys turned to look at the door and started whistling.

I look up to see who walked in and see Lea walking in and looking absolutely stunning.

She is wearing her red hair in waves down her back and if it's one thing I learned about her this week was that she loves colour and changes her hair colour weekly, when I met her she was a blonde.

For clothes she is wearing a pair of very skinny jeans that look nearly painted on and a flowy red top that showcased her cleavage, on her feet she is wearing very high red heels.

I can't believe I am acting like the drunk men in the bar and nearly drooling at the sight of her.

"I get dibs on her first!" said one of the guys from the group and gets ready as she approaches the bar and our eyes lock.

The now familiar heat and shocks coursing through my body when I look into her forest green eyes.

She smiles at me and I feel my face break out into a smile and she makes her way to my part of the bar, since there are 2 of us on duty tonight.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at Vi's." I ask her when she close enough to hear me over the music.

"Came to check out where you work." she gives me a big smile which I return.

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