Not How You Imagined It

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As you walk to IHOP you begin to feel more and more nervous. What if he hates you? What if he thinks you're ugly? No, this is Ross you're talking about. He's way too nice! The fangirls however could present a problem. They may swarm him all day and you will never be able to talk to him. You don't know if you'd be able to talk to him anyways. You wold be too shy. No. You LOVE him. This would be your only chance. You have to. Y/N you have to. Please for once in your life you have to be brave. Be brave.  You Can Do This.

You were walking down the street and almost got ran over.

"WATCH IT PIP SQUEEK!" calls a deep voice with a tint of anger.

"Wow what a nice way to start today," you whisper under your breath. Some people can just be so rude.

~*~ Time Skip to IHOP brought to you by the power of rossome!~*~

You walk in and see him. Wow. He's even better looking in person. "Ross..." you said to no one but yourself. Then you noticed her. Joslin. Joslin Threckmerton. The reporter. You know she used to be your best friend.! I don't wanna relive that. Not today. She was all over him. Playing with his hair. Laughing at his jokes. everything you wanted to do. "Get away!" you growled to her. Of course she was there. Of. Course. She saw you glaring at her. "Oh crap 'it's' coming," you thought to yourself.

"Hold on a second Ross, I know that girl!" she said in a sweet voice. Little did he know that voice could be laced with venom. "Be right back Ross~," she cooed. As soon as she turned around she had the scariest glare you had ever seen. This can't be good...

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in. What are you doing here Y/N? I thought after the incident you would have been put into foster care. Did you just decide to take care of yourself? Serves you right. You mu-" she was cut off by a screaming girl...aka you.

"I HATE YOU! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU JOSLIN!? YOU AND ME WERE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS! Why are you going after Ross...? You took away my life and that wasn't enough for you? You have to take away Ross too? How did you even know I had feelings for him...? And don't say you didn't know. I know he's not your type. The only guy you ever liked is-"

"Don't you dare say his name! It's your fault he's gone!"

"NO IT'S NO-" you were cut off. You began to feel a searing pain on your cheek.

Just like that Ross came running out. Joslin grabbed your hand and put it to her stomach. She did this so fast that it looked like you punched her. She 'fell' to the ground and fake cried and wailed like she was in pain.

"Why Y/N? Why did it have to come to this? Is it because I deflected your slap? I'm so sorry!" she cried. No NO nO nOnONonononnNoNononOnonnooOoONNNNoOno NO! Now it will look like you did this to her.

"What did you do to her!?" Ross said to you. No please Ross... He looked at you like you were a monster. You ran into the building and to the bathroom. Your shift started soon.  You had to get to work. The last thing you saw as you looked back was Ross's horrified face... and Joslins smirk...

Holding Onto You  (Ross x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now