All Good Things Must Come To An End

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(A/N So. This is how it shall end. Im ToTaLlY nOt CrYiNg!!!!! This was my first fanfic I had ever written and it's been so succesful. Thank you guys. When you finish reading this, please go check out my other story A Reason For You. I'm kind of proud of it lol. I promise you it will be even more rossome than this story has been. OKAY ILL LET YOU GET BACK TO YOUR STORY! GOODBYE EVERYONE *snorft*)

(Your P.o.V.)

As you walked into your apartment you did as you always do upon entering into your apartment. You pulled your kinky hair out of its updo and screamed 'FWEN I'M HOME!' Only... Haiven had moved out. You remembered all she had done to you and your friends and began to get sad. 

You took a deep breath and began walking to your room. That is until...

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Caitlyn screamed as she tackled you.

"T.A.L.G." Jos said unamused.

"DOODLIN FITE MEH JOS!" you and Cait yelled in unison. Jos just rolled her eyes and went back to watching Aphmau's new video.


"Make me," Jos said in a monotone.

"Would you two shut up," you began, "And stop fighting with Joslin or no more goldycorn fanfics!" you warned.

"UGH FINE," Cait finally said. "I'll just go talk to Pebbles..."

As Cait walked to her room, phone in hand, you got a text. It was from Ross. You were so excited to see it. It felt like he had been avoiding you lately and you didn't know why. You were worried he was starting to not like you anymore. You had been dismissing it as your insecurities, but...

R: Hey babe. Soooo. I'm sure Cait has told you but her friend Atlas's brother Xand is getting married to his girlfriend Alexia and I was hoping you would go with me?

Y: Go to a wedding? With you? Why would I ever go to a wedding with my wonderful brother?
Y: AUTOCORRECT* In the name of all that is holy whyyyy ;-;


Y: Shuddup...

R: I'll slip the invite under your door. See ya at work fork.

Y: Did.... did you just call me fork? XD


You laugh at yur boyfriends beautiful stupidity the get ready for bed. You can't wait for the wedding.

~Time skip to day of the wedding~

You finished getting ready and looked in the mirror. You had perfect makeup and a tight black dress on. You looked like one of the girls you roll your eyes at in magazines. It just wasn't you. That's when you washed off all of your makeup and put on a loose yet fitted (F/C) dress.

You smiled in the mirror. This was much better.

As you walked out of the house you saw Ross dressed in a tux. You began giggling, and then chuckling, and now its an all out belly laugh. He just looks so goofy in it! He must have known why you were laughing because he just made the XP face at you and smiled. He then pulled you in and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"Ready to go?" he asked and you nodded. 


(Ross P.o.V.)

"Grandpa grandpa! Tell us about grandma! Tell us about the night you proposed!! Pleasee!"

"Okay okay fine. I'll tell you again,' I told my grandchild.

It all happened so fast. My relationship with (Y/N) was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Sure we had our ups and downs, but to spend my life with her was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. Oh wait the kids were waiting on me to tell them the story!

"Well kids, it went like this."


As i walked into the building the reception I heard m darlings breath hitch. At first i was worried.... until I glanced at what she was staring at. Food. Figures.

She ran to get in line for the food while I got us a table with the gang. Wow. I just said with the gang. 

(Y/N) came back with the food just as Xand signaled that he was about to make a toast. I didn't even get to listen to it because I was too busy watching (Y/N). She looked so content just watching all of this. She was looking at the couple with something like longing in her eyes. Just then an annoying voice ripped through the room accompanied by a familiar one...

"Hello everyone! My name is Ice. And this is my close friend Haiven! It's nice to meet all of you! Now, you probably want to know who I am. I'm the girl our precious groom is cheating on Lexi with~!" she shouted with a tint of bitterness lacing her words. 

Just as I'm about to get up and do something about these girls I look and see (Y/N) missing from my side. I call to her and get no response. I walked toward the exit because I'm sure that's where she bolted to, but as I open the door someone grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. I pull away immediately. The damage was already done though. (Y/N) must have head me calling her and seen us. 

I looked to my side and saw Haiven smirking... and (Y/N) with a shattered expression on her face. Tears pouring down her face almost as hard as the rain around us.

(Y/N) started running. Of course I had to race after her.

"(Y/N)!" no response.

(Y/N) PLEASE," I begged.

"WHAT Ross. What!?" By her tone of her voice I knew I needed to just be quiet and listen to her.

"Let me guess. It was a misunderstanding. You only love me. I've heard it all before Ross... and it hurt every time," I began to walk toward her.

"I don't know how many times I can be shattered. IT. HURTS." I hugged her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure it was all Haivens fault. But I just saw you two together and it just reminded me that one day you will probably get tired of me. You will want to be with a different girl. One who's smart and pretty and successful. And you will either betray me or leave me. Just like Haiven, and my parents, and Joslin had. You will see that-"

"Shut up!" I yelled with tears in my eyes, "You are all I have ever wanted. You are all i want now. You are all I will ever want. I need you like I need air. I love you like I love myself. If you hurt it rips me to shreds, and the though of losing you physically hurts me. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and the reason I sleep soundly at night. So don't ever say I won't want you. I don't just want you, I need you." I then decided that now was the time. In the pouring down rain I got down on one knee and pulled out my grandmothers ring. Adam was right. You do just know.

 "(Y/N) (L/N), If there is ever a time I can't have you in my life I don't know how I will survive. I want to be the only person you will ever love, after all you will be the only one I ever love. I don't care if we are living out of a shack on a deserted island. If I have you my life will be perfect. Because I will have the perfect person for me with me. And I will follow you through anything. I will carry you through all your bad days, hug and squeeze you tight on your terrible ones, and laugh and smile with you through all your good ones. I will be yours all your life. I will give you all of me.  All you have to do is say that you will be mine too."

And in that shining moment the world stopped spinning as she looked at me with a shocked expression, tears frozen on her face. She wasn't able to move a muscle, but she was still able to mutter a single word. One that started the rest of our lives.



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