In His Eyes (Ross P.o.V)

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Joslin had told me all about y/n. She had seemed so nice. Why did she do the things she did. Jossy didn't deserve to be treated like that. I was so mad when she left. She had no right to be upset after what she did to her. I decided to confront y/n because I needed to hear her admit to what she did. I ran after her, but as soon as I started to chase after her Joslin started to call out to me.

"Ross wait! Y/N isn't worth your time!" she called out. It was like she didn't want me to talk to her about it. Maybe she lied...No! I saw with my own eyes what Y/N did to Joslin. I can't let her get away with that. It's time for her to face the music. I can't let her get away with this!

As soon as Y/N heard Joslins voice she started running faster. Trying to get away. She wouldn't stop. She ran right into traffic. Then there was a truck coming right for her. I tried to stop her, but she just sped up. I called her and called her. I begged her to stop, but she wouldn't. I knew what I had to do. I lunged myself at Y/N, but i was too late. Her torso got hit, but not badly. It should heal. I however was hurt really badly. I had to have crack at least four ribs, dislocated my shoulder, broke my arm, and had a long cut going down my leg.I couldn't but barely breath.

"Y/N," I whispered. it was all I could manage. She didn't respond. she must have been knocked out. "Y/N," i called out once more. It was all I could manage before I drifted off into space.

~*~ Time skip brought to you by the power of time!~*~

I woke up in the hospital. I look over and see Joslin crying. What's going on?

"This is all my fault," she breathed in a voice just loud enough for me to hear it, "I never should've lied to Ross." What did she mean? Is she saying that Y/N isn't who she said she was? No, Joslin would never... I decided to pretend to be asleep so I could evesdrop.

"At first I just wanted him to be get revenge on Y/N,but now. He's so kind. He risked his life for her. I don't deserve him, but neither does she. She may love him, but she can never have him. Especially not after what she did to... I'm still sorry Ross. Y/N isn't the monster I said she was. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Ross..."

...I don't even know what to say...

After that the nurse came in to check on my vitals and thats when I "woke up".

"How's Y/N!?" I asked worriedly.

"She's doing fine. You can go see her if you want, but Ross... She doesn't remember anything from today. We don't know the full extent of her memory loss, but we can't find out either. She doesn't have the money. This will put her in dept as is."

"Can't she borrow money from her parents?" I asked.

"No...she can't,"Joslin said looking sad and ashamed. What else did she lie about?

"I'll pay for her treatment, but first I want to see her," I declared.

"Ross..." Joslin said in a low tone.

"I don't want to hear it Mrs. Threckmerton," I wasn't going to listen to another word she said until I talked with Y/N. There's some things I need to find out.

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