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(Your P.o.V.)

You are standing in front of Ross Botsford. Well... you're actually laying down, but you are still in the presence of your hero. Your hero!  You couldn't believe it! You didn't believe it. Nothing this good ever happens to you. You accepted that this had to be a dream. There's no way it's real.

"This is a dream, it isn't real. It can't be," you mumbled. It really couldn't be. There was no way. You couldn't hope or let yourself be happy. Something bad always happens whenever you let yourself be happy. "I wan't to believe you're real, but..." you shook your head,

"You're afraid to let yourself be happy?" Ross asked. You nodded.

He smiled sweetly at you with a little 'heh'. 

"Hey Y/N..?" he asked timidly. He seemed a little shy to tell me whatever it was.

"Yes Ross...?"

"Let me show you that it's okay to be happy. I want you to never be sad again, but I'll start with you not being sad today," He studered with a nervous smile. I smiled back at him. If this really is a dream, I don't want to wake up. I want to stay here with Ross by my side. Forever.

"Okay," I said confidently, "I will!"

(Narrator P.o.V.)

Y/N and Ross were in the hospital for a month after the accident. During this time Ross would buy Y/N all her favorite colored flowers, foods, and even would ask Adam to bring over his Xbox for him and Y/N to play. Adam was cool with the whole situation, but Ross didn't want anyone to know until he could introduce them to Y/N formally. Y/N was so happy to be meeting all of her heros! She still didn't believe that she wasn't dreaming. She was actually happy. One day her Adam were play the legend of Zelda B.O.T.W. and Adam was having trouble beating Waterblight Gannon. Y/N decided to beat it for him, and that's when Adam decided to ask Y/N a question. 

"Hey Y/N, would you like to work at the offices when you get out of here?" he asked. He really hoped she would say yes. Plus, he had a feeling Ross would be overjoyed too. By the smile she had on her face he knew that was a yes. In fact she couldn't say anything. She was too happy. She was actually speachless! 

"I'm going to take that as a yes...?" She just nodded, still unable to speak. Adam couldn't wait to tell Ross. 

The next thing they knew they were both hugging. That's when Ross walked in. His heart sank when he saw Y/N with Adam.

(Ross P.o.V.)

...I don't believe it. Does she like Adam now? I thought she loved me.

"I can't wait to tell Ross the good news! I know he'll be happy to see you everyday!" Adam said. Wait, what did he mean?

"I can't wait either! I mean the Offices?! It's been my dream for years! Where's Ross? He should be back by now!" She basically screamed. Is Y/N going to work at the offices?!?! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!

"There you are Rosspie~!" she yelled teasingly. She would be so embarrased if she knew that I knew she loved me. "I'M GOING TO WORK AT THE OFFICES!!"

I was too happy! I ran to her and grabbed her and spinned her around.

"Agh Ross~!" she giggled, "Put me down!" By now she was laughing so hard her face turned red.

"See? I told you that I could make you happy!" I wanted to ask her out right then, but it wasn't time yet. Soon though... soon she would be my other half. I just know it.

Holding Onto You  (Ross x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now