A Day In The Life Of Joslin (Part 2)

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(Joslin P.o.V.)

"Hey Clark," I began, "I finished my article. Here's the finished product!" I sang cheerfully.

"Wow Jos this is really gonna catch some peoples attention," His eyes studied my work carefully. I noticed his eyebrows raise and fall several times. I guess I surprised him a lot. 

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be..." I replied. He sighed and took a step towards me. His blue orbs seemed to be searching for something in my own.

"Joslin... you do realize we will be fired. Are you sure this is really worth it?"

I took a minute to consider his words. After all, I could be fired at my other job for this as well. I hesitated then remembered what she did to my best friend. I then looked back at Clarks concerned face with confidence.

"With every fiber of my being," I said with conviction.

"Then that's good enough for me."

(3rd Person P.o.v.)

As Joslin and Clark went to bed that night they anticipated the major consequences that thye would have to face tomorrow. Joslin would still be a reporter, but Clark would be out of a job completely. It was ok though because he knew he had made Joslin happy. He would never admit this to himself, but like every other guy on the planet he was completely head over heals for her. He truly did love her, and that's why he was willing to risk anything for her. 

Joslin on the other hand did't sleep well that night. She began to worry about what she had just done. What if Ross hates he now? What f he never forgives her for what she has just done to Y/N? Oh what has she done! She was so consumed by her hatred for Y/N that she didn't think straight.

Look at the mess she has gotten herself into. She decided to write in her diary about her day today.

"Dear Diary,

    Looks like I really messed up this time. I don't know how to fix it. Clark is out of a job because of me. Ross is going to hate me. I really hurt Y/N too... Why do I even care about her. She killed my best friend. She seemed truly sad that day in the rain... Maybe... NO! If she hadn't given her car to him this never would have happened. She didn't give him her car though. I was so consumed by guilt and sadness that he was gone that I just wanted someone to blame. I'm so sorry Y/N... I'm so sorry! It wasn't your fault and I'm finally ready to admit that! You lost someone too... I'm so sorry. It wasn't your fault!"

"It wasn't her fault..." she sobbed. She had finally come to grips with her friends death. She was ready to move on. FIrst she had to find a way to tell Y/N how sorry she was. She doesn't blame her anymore. She is so sorry. She has probably just cost Y/N her job too though. How wil she ever be sorry enough. She had to find a way!


A few days after Joslin posted the article she was fired from both her jobs. She began to work at IHOP. Y/N went thorough so much in those few days. Find out exactly what in the next chapter!

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