Facing Ross

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You worked until your lunch break. The hours until then were agony. Ross giving you the most horrible of looks. Joslin smiling brightly at you while she lays her head on Ross's shoulder and him looking at her with this look of pity. Like he was the poorest most pained person in the world. It was so sad. Then on top of that you were swamped because of Ross. All the fangirls tripping over themselves to get to him. it wasn't fair. Haiven, your boss, noticed you were extremely upset. it was scaring some of the customers.

"Hey Y/N, you seen pretty upset. Is something wrong?" she said sweetly. She truly did care about you, but she was still your boss. She still had to keep her customers happy.

"No I'm fine," you said with a fake smile. It didn't fool anyone.

"I know something is wrong Y/N, but if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to. Would you like to leave after lunch? I wont dock your pay, I promise," she questioned. You nodded. You really wanted to go home.

Your boss said you could leave after that conersaion. She was really nice, and you two were close. She really wanted to know why you were sad, but you only said you would tell her why later. You really just needed to process what happened

"Y/N I know you don't wanna tell me right now, but I'm always free to talk," Haiven your boss assured you with a weak smile.

"Thanks," was all you managed to get out before you started crying again.

As you walked out the door you refused to look back. You couldn't stand the whole situation. It made you so sad. As you walked out of the front door you realized that the bright shiny sky had turned dark and stormy. The once bright and puffy clouds had turned grey and gloomy. It perfectly matched your mood. Of course. Maybe the universe just wanted you to be sad. Forever. You began walking faster. That's when you heard an all too familiar voice.

"Ross, please don't go talk to her! I need you to stay here and comfort me. I'm just so torn up about it all. We were best friends and then..." she began. It was Joslin again. The tars began streaming even faster down your face. Why did it always have to be you.

"No Joslin. I have to hear what she has to say for herself! She needs to own up to what she did. Plus, I want to hear it for myself Now let me talk to hr alone please,"Ross said in a stern but kind voice. He genuinely was a good person. Which made this so much harder. Why did Joslin have to do this to you?

"Y/N!!!!" Ross shouted, "Y/N Wait!" He sounded so worried.


You began to run faster. Until you ran into the street. You didn't see the semi. He didn't see you.

(A/N Sorry for making this so sad. I promise it gets better! It will have a happy ending! Bye and thank you for reading my story!)

Holding Onto You  (Ross x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now