The Truth

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(A/N I'm changing the name of the boy who died for personal reasons...)

(Your P.o.V.)

'What... what just happened...' you think to yourself. You cant believe such a perfect night could end this badly. Joslin ruins everything. Wait. ROSS! What does he think of you now? You turn to see Ross facing you with a look on his face that said "What just happened?"

He finally broke the silence by saying, "Y/N what did she mean?" you could tell he was truly concerned. "Who did you-" you cut him off before he could ask that question. You just weren't ready to tell him, or anyone else really.

"Ross...I promise I'll tell you in the morning, but... but just... promise me something..."

"Anything, Y/N... Anything for you," he said while grabbing your hand and pulling you closer. You guessed he could sense you trying to get away.

"Please... don't hate me..." You asked, about to break.

"This time he pulled you into a hug, "Never Y/N, never."

You felt a bit more comfortable talking to him now. You went home, took a loooong shower, and went to bed.

~*~ Time skip to the next morning~*~

'I promised Ross I would tell him everything, but he would have to wait until morning. Well here we are. He's standing in front of me waiting on me to open all my wounds for him, but I don't think I can do that. It will hurt so much. I guess for him, I'll do it. Here we go...'

Ross walked into Havens house, and she went out to buy groceries. "I'll be back soon Y/N..." she said in a sad voice. Okay lets do this...

"Okay please.. this is a long story... It started when I was 16..."

(Flash back)

You had been invited to Joslins house for a sleepover, and your parents wanted to say hi to hers so they came with you. Joslins friends were always coming over to her house, so you expected at least ONE of them to be there. And of course... one of them was.

"Hey ladies~!" Gee shouted. Uggh not him... He's such a freaking flirt.

"Gee go away! Y/N is here." Joslin shouted.

"I know that's why I'm here. By the way Y/N, you look lovely today." he said sitting next to you.

"What do you want Gee?" you asked. OBVIOUSLY annoyed.

"Fine. I want to drive your car, it looks awesome." he said.

"NO WAY YOU'RE ONLY 14 AND I DON'T WANT YOU TO WRECK IT!!!" you screamed at him.

"Ok, OK! Calm down woman! As much as I love a girl with spirit your parents could hear you," He said.

'' They're out right now actually," you replied.

"Oh... ok then," he said, "Hey Jos, here's your phone. I gotta go never told my mom I was leaving," he then turned to you, "Goodbye my snowflake." He said to you. You rolled your eyes and caught a glimpse of Joslin, who was staring daggers at the side of your head. That's when the thought came to you,'Is she jelous?'

You dismissed the thought as quickly as it came. And you didn't think anything of it... until you saw your car keys were missing... Just as soon as you saw this you got a call from your dad.

"Y/N, we love you so much..." He said. You really got worried now. "There's someone driving your car and they're heading strait for us..."

You froze, and ran outside. "DAD NO WHERE ARE YOU!" You yelled into the phone.

"No there's no time for that. We... had an accident. We didn't call you because we didn't want to worry you. We cant move. They're heading straight for us honey... The doors are stuck... I'm going to give you to your mom so she can say goodbye..."

"Dad no! You're going to be okay!" you say. You voice cracked.

"Hey honey," Your mom says. You can tell she is crying. "Darn these icy roads." She says trying to be funny.

"Mom you have to be okay! Please mom..." You beg her. "I can't live without you guys! I can't please don't do this to me! I don't want you to die! Who will comfort me when depression is there and it won't go away! When I want to just end it! Or when my anxiety is bad and I can't even leave the house! I need you! I love you so much..."

"H-honey... you are the strongest girl I know. It will be okay I promise. We love you. Please always know that. I love you..."

You heard a loud crash and the phone got disconnected.


You couldn't finish it. You couldn't do it.

You started to feel light headed. "R-Ross..." was all you managed to say before you fainted.

Holding Onto You  (Ross x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now