Chapter 1.

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- The first chapter might be a little sloppy but it improves trust me :)

My brown long hair sticks to my neck as I walk down the school corridor. I had just gotten out of chemistry class - also my worst subject may I add and I was thinking about how summer break officially starts in two weeks. Which meant no more studying, no more waking up at 7 am and no more of being stuck with people I don't like for the next three whole months.

Speaking of people I don't like, I feel a hard shove at my shoulder which sends my heavy textbooks clattering on the floor with a loud thump.

"Watch where you're going," Ryder Hudson says as he turns to face me, his two friends standing next to him.

"Are you thick? You bumped into me" I am quick to defend myself.

"You were standing in my way."

I laugh in disbelief  "Oh, forgot you can't use your legs to walk around someone instead of barging them as if everyone should move for you" I kneel down and start picking my books up when Ryder walks closer and kicks one of them away from me, his friends snicker.

"Catch ya later farmer" He takes a dig at my dungarees I wore practically every day.

"Let's hope not" I mutter to myself as he walks off, probably to pick on other people.

You see, I don't know how this six-month-long grudge happened between Ryder and me. I seriously doubt I did anything to make him hate me because I'm simply one of those girls who prefer to keep to themselves, one day the mocking started on my second day of this school and my instinct was to retaliate and this is how it's been ever since.

I continue on my way to the lunch break, I immediately spot my one and only friend Lily and her bright blue hair which was hard to miss. I moved to Phoenix from Seattle six months ago and she had dyed her hair a different color three times since becoming friends on my first day, it was blonde when we met then purple and now my favorite color of hers so far. Lily sat at our spot reading a book on the grassy banks, which were actually out of bounds for students but to this day we had never been caught by a teacher. I plop myself down next to her, Lily looks up from her reading.

"Uh oh, you've got that look. Did Ryder throw a ball at your head again?" Lily questions cautiously.

"No not this time. I did have a run in with him though." I sigh "Literally"

She passes me a sandwich bag of apple slices "He's just bored with his pathetic life."

I nod in agreement. He is not only rude to me but pretty much everyone else. I guess we all have that one person in your class that is a troublemaker.

"You're coming to the start of summer break party at Jenson Jones's place tonight right?" Lily asks me as she places a bookmark on the page and shoves the book in her bag.

"Why is he having a party tonight if summer break is still two weeks away?"

"Honestly I just think it's an excuse to have another party."

I shrug "I don't think my mom would be overly happy if I went partying" I know that I sound like a prude.

Lily groans "Come on Carson! Just this one night, text your mom that you're coming over to mine after school. You can borrow some of my clothes."

I consider this for a moment before I agree to it, what could go wrong? It's just a single party and the first party of my life. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text my mom.

To Mom: Going to Lil's house after school

She replies to it almost instantly

Be back before midnight

The last bell pierces my ears when it rings at 3:40 PM; I hop into the passengers seat of Lily's car. It is a fifteen-minute drive before we arrive at Lily's, her house is a one-story brick house the only greenery was the random cactus' at the front which was very well typical for all the houses in Phoenix. As soon as we walk into her plain-looking room she starts pulling out clothes from her wardrobe excitedly. I scrunch up my nose when she pulls out a black wrap dress.

"How about jeans?" I jump off her bed and pull out a pair of blue jeans that I had been eyeing.

"Are you sure you won't be too hot?" She questions.

This is when I grab a grey crop top with spaghetti straps and hold the outfit in front of my body. Lily claps excitedly "Perfect!"

I'm not shy about getting dressed in front of her; I pull off my denim dungarees and fold them neatly onto her bed as I do with my t-shirt. Her jeans hug my hips, I realize that I have never worn clothes that showed off my body. Lily sits on her floor in front of a mirror, mouth opened as she applies mascara, it gives her lashes an instant lift.

"So, what is the next hair color on your list?" I ask.

"Hmm, I was thinking actually keeping the blue for a little while" She replies.

I smile "Good, I love that color."

Lily stands up "Ready to go?"

I give myself one last look in the mirror "Ready!"

We walk out her front door and into her old Nissan that I always mocked, I've told her that she needs an update but I knew I couldn't talk because I didn't even own a car. I had butterflies in my stomach throughout the drive, like they were having a party themselves in my stomach. I wasn't an extrovert but I did want to at least try and be like a typical teenager.

Jenson lives in a large two-story house, he has the reputation at Lincoln High of being a party animal and apparently his parents don't give a crap. Before we step in I tug at Lily's hand.

"You're the designated driver, don't get wasted' I warn her.

She gives me a warm smile "I'll have no more than two drinks."

I nod and she drags me by my wrist into the party. The music is awfully loud and I feel claustrophobic amongst the crowd of people drinking, dancing and chatting, somehow being able to hear each other over the noise. Lily disappears, leaving me anxious that I'm left by myself with people I barely know.

"Farmer girl is not in her farming outfit?" A loud voice yells in my ear "Does she not have cows to milk?"

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, I'm aware of exactly who this person is. I come face to face with Ryder.

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