Chapter 2.

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The blonde, long-haired jerk who was dressed in a leather jacket and smelt strongly of aromatic cologne stood in front of me.

"You do realize I have more in my closet than just overalls?" I tell Ryder.

I don't think he realizes that dungarees are not just for people who work on farms, just like you don't have to skateboard to be able to wear Vans or Thrasher but as usual he just loves to make a mockery of my style. I think he has called me by my actual name twice in the months we've unfortunately known each other, any other time it's 'farmer'. In fact, I don't actually know a lot about Ryder besides the fact that he got kicked out of home and he had been living with his best friend, Will Grady ever since. The reason? God knows.

"You should try wearing more of this then" He replies and pokes me in my waist.

I swiftly slap his hand away. Lily thankfully comes back and nudges me she passes me a red cup, I observe the red liquid inside.

"It's not poisoned" Ryder jokes.

I display him my dirtiest look and skull the cherry flavored alcohol right there and then, it is sweet but mildly burns my throat.

"I'm sorry, what are you doing still standing there? Where's your mob of sheep?" I question him annoyed.

Ryder takes an intimidating step closer to me and whispers next to my ear "Sheep? isn't that your territory?"

This time Lily speaks up "The farmer jokes are getting old, maybe stop recycling old insults."

He is still leaning too close to me, Ryder takes a look at Lily and then me before walking away without another word.

Lily links my arm with hers "You need another drink."

But instead, I pull away from her "I actually might go sit down somewhere quiet" I say.

"I'll come with you."

I give her a small smile "No, it's okay. It's just a little too loud in here, I'm not exactly a party girl."

I find my way through the colossal sized house to the backdoor, I slide the glass door open and feel relief run through me when the cool summer breeze hits me in my face.  The deck is wooden and matching the house - is also big. There is a black outdoor lounge under the yellow light which I sit on. The music from inside is still audible but good enough for me.

I'm sitting here alone watching the water in the pool when I hear the door slide open and a girl with jet black hair and a fringe walks out, wearing all black that pairs with her hair and suits well with her dark complexion. She isn't aware that I'm out here when she lights up a cigarette, she leans against the railing and then finally looks at me.

"You want one?" She asks me and exhales the smoke.

"Uh no, I'm not a smoker," I answer.

The girl scoffs "I was kidding. These aren't cheap no more."  She inhales again "Name's Sheridan, Sheridan Jones."

It suddenly clicks that Jenson whose house this is must be her brother.

"I'm Carson Reynolds" I introduce myself "Do you go to Lincoln high?"

Sheridan laughs as if I said something stupid "No, I'm 19."

"Oh. College?"

She shakes her head "I know everyone around here thinks the normal thing to do after high school is to head off to the best colleges but not me. I'm here and there, going with the flow of life."

I never thought twice about it but she's right. My plan right from an early age was to attend a great college, and I had always assumed that everyone else had the same intention.

"Don't your parents bug you about not continuing your education?" I ask curiously.

I sense the sadness in her eyes, "Parents? They are pretty absent in mine and my brother's lives."

I decide not to push the subject of college and parents.

"Hold on," Sheridan says as she had just figured something out "Carson Reynolds? Ryder has mentioned you before."

Feelings of anger rush through my body "You know him? Anything he has said is probably a lie."

"We're mates."  She flicks her cigarette on the ground and stomps it out "And who said it was bad things he told me?"

What the hell was that supposed to mean? But Sheridan disappears back inside before I get to ask her further. I go to find Lily, I begin to feel the start of a headache and I already had enough of this party. Lily is sitting on a lounge, cup in hand with laughing Ryder and his mates. I march over.

"Lily, did that alcohol make you resistant from low life jerks? Can we leave now?"

She sets her cup down "I don't think I'm okay to drive."

"Give me your keys I will," I tell her, annoyed that she got tipsy full knowing she was the driver.

Lily and I jump in her car. I drive down a long stretch of road. Half of the drive was silent.

That is until Lily speaks "I have a confession to make."

I focus on the road in front of me "And that is?"

She hesitates to answer. "I've been sleeping with your enemy."

I instantly turn my head to look at her "What the fuck are you talking about Lily?"

Instead of answering she rapidly flies over to grab ahold of the steering wheel. Sharply avoiding a coyote that stood on the path of our car. Lily's small car travels onto the other side of the road and flips, the airbag hitting me in the face as it inflates. The sound of glass breaking and the smell of coolant is the last thing I remember as stars danced across my vision and the darkness dragged me under.

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