Chapter 7.

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I go to bed late thinking about the night I just had with Ryder. We were basically acquaintances but for some unknown reason he made me feel like I'd known him forever and I longed to have his hand in mine again to have the feeling of warmth spread through me. Maybe the accident fucked my head up a lot more than I thought and I'm just imagining all of that, whatever though because I feel great.

The next morning I wake up in an excellent mood which is odd for me because since when was I ever in a good mood on an early Tuesday morning? When I rock up to school the first person I see is Ryder, he stands at the front with his skateboard in one hand. His hair should have it's own Instagram page.

"Hey" I greet him.

"What's up farmer?" He replies back.

I give him a puzzled look "farmer? what's the context behind that name?" I ask.

His smile instantly drops "Nothing, never mind. Let's go to class" He pauses "And actually go to class, this time"

We have history first period, Ryder warns me about Mr. Peterson apparently he's one of the worst teachers at the school. I sit down in the second row and then the teacher looks at me grumpily,

"Your assignment was due yesterday Miss Reynolds, do you have it?" He asks me.

I narrow my eyes, is this teacher really that stupid?!

"Uh no. How could I complete it if I have been in the hospital?"

"I gave it out three weeks before your accident happened, you should have completed it" He has the audacity to say.

I shake my head in anger "Well I'll just go and do an assignment I can't even remember, shall I?" And I grab my bag roughly and storm out almost slamming the classroom door in anger.

Seriously what is wrong with some teachers. I'm ranting to myself and walking out the school gates when I hear a voice call after me. I spin around and Ryder is jogging over to me. I cross my arms and wait.

"Told you he was a dick," Ryder says.

I don't reply, I stare at the ground.

Ryder touches my arm "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

I look up at him "Why do you care so much?"

He looks taken back and as if he doesn't know what to say. I scoff and continue walking, leaving him there without another word. I stride to the only walking distance place I know - the skate park from yesterday. Being here gives back bad memories of blacking out. I sit on the same ramp, not soon after Sheridan arrives and sits next to me. We sit there in silence for a minute or two.

"Wagging school again?" She questions

I play with my shoelaces on my black converses "History teacher was an ass."

"Ah" She nods "You'll always have a shitty teacher."

I glare at her "Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot away."

I hesitate, I think maybe I shouldn't say anything but I can't help myself.

"Does Ryder ever talk about me?" I ask her.

She narrows her eyes "Why do you want to know?"

I shrug "I feel like he's hiding something. Did we have a history before my car crash?"

"I don't really know sorry" Sheridan replies.

"How long have you and Ryder been friends for?"

"A few years. We met through Will. I had a troubled life, Ryder had a troubled life so we kind of just clicked straight away. It felt good to have someone to relate to." She says smiling.

"Troubled life?" I ask curiously.

"Um. Both our parents don't give a shit about us. Ryder's dad is an alcoholic who hits his mom, it's really bad." Sheridan explains.

I'm shocked, I can't believe Ryder has to go through that. My dad died when I was young so I could never imagine being in that situation.

"Didn't his parents kick him out because he smokes?" I want to know more about him.

She shakes her head sadly "Two months ago he got into a physical fight with his dad so he hasn't been back home since." Sheridan suddenly widens her eyes "I shouldn't be telling you his business."

"It's okay I won't tell him anything" I reassure her.

I let all this new information sink in before I stand up.

"I guess I gotta go, bye Sheridan."

"See you" She replies.

I walk slowly back to school, however, I wait until the bell for second period rings to go in. I spend most of chemistry class thinking about everything Sheridan told me. I really didn't know a lot about Ryder. I mean not that I care, he's just some dude who was generous enough to show me to my classes. Second period finishes I start heading to the school gates but when I turn a corner I notice Lily and Ryder having a heated discussion.

Hi! Please don't forget to vote and comment. I'll also be making the chapters longer! Thank you for all the support

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