Chapter 25.

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Smut ahead, you've been warned.


Lily standing in the front of my house is the last thing I expected when Ryder gives me a ride home. She no longer has her arm wrapped in a white cast. Ryder parks on the curb, I undo my seatbelt.

"Are you coming in?" I ask him.

"Nah, I'll let you girls hang out." He replies.

I grin and then take a quick glance at the driveway and notice my mom isn't home, I turn to Ryder. "I can just tell her that we're busy." I place my hand on the back of his neck.

He leans forward, "I made plans with Will but I'll see you later alright?"

I nod and then he kisses me, a short kiss but it was enough to make me feel weak at the knees. I hop out of the car and make my way towards Lily who stares blankly at me.

"So you two are together?" She doesn't hesitate to question.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I was not going to put up with her shit today, not when I was hungover.

"I'm not saying anything. I've already warned you, if you decide to ignore me that's completely up to you."

"Is that what you came here to ask me?"

"No I just wanted to see how you were holding up." She answers, it sounds sincere.

"I'm doing well. I see that your arm is better."

She smiles, "It's healed pretty nicely."

Both of us stand in an uncomfortable silence. I place my hand on the door knob.

"Do you want to come in?" I politely ask her. Although I silently hope she declines so I can nap my nausea and aching head away.

Lily opens her mouth to answer but her phone buzzes in her pocket, she pulls it out and quickly looks at it.

"Sorry, I have to go. Maybe some other time." She tells me.

"That's fine, see you." I say and then quickly walk inside.

I immediately walk upstairs and collapse on my bed, nodding off to sleep within minutes.



"That is completely unfair, how are we suppose to read that much before tomorrow?!" I complain to Lily whilst we walk through the school hallway. She doesn't answer. I tap her on the shoulder, "Earth to Lily."

I follow her gaze where Ryder Hudson stands ahead of us, leaning like a hotshot on a locker. That's not even his locker I think to myself.

"Sorry what did you say?" Lily has finally come back to reality.

I pass her a questioning look, "Were you just checking Ryder out?"

She just laughs, "What? No. I'm just exhausted from all the homework we've been receiving."

I nod slowly, "Me too."           

             We continue to walk, right past Ryder and his friends when suddenly

I fall.

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