Chapter 23.

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I'm perplexed and disoriented when I wake up on the hard, cold concrete with Sheridan and Ryder looking over me.

I squint, "Where am I?"

"You're on my driveway. You had a seizure, you were out for a few minutes." Sheridan explains.

I slowly sit up with Ryder's help.

"It was a short seizure so we didn't call an ambulance. We nearly did." She tells me.

"That would have been an overreaction." My voice croaks.

"How do you feel?" Ryder asks.

"Like shit." I put my hand to my head.

"Do you want me to take you to hospital?" Sheridan questions.

"No. I just need to take my medication."

"Do you have it with you?" Ryder queries.

I shake my head very slightly because I'm sure that I will vomit if I make any sudden movements.

"We can't take her home in this state, she told her mom we were going to see a movie." Sheridan says.

I feel Ryder's gaze drop to me, "Drop by her house and tell her mom that she's going to sleep over tonight and that she didn't bring her medication."

Sheridan agrees, and so do I in my head. My mother would kill me if she saw me like this. I'd never be allowed to leave the house for the rest of my life.

"Take her to the guest bedroom upstairs."

Ryder takes me by my arms and attempts to pull me up but the alcohol is still rushing through my body and the after effect of the seizure is strong so I almost fall back down again, Ryder moves his hand underneath my thighs and picks me up.

"You're a mess." He whispers to me as he carries me back into the house.

"Gee, thanks." I reply unamused.

As soon as we enter Sheridan's house she turns the music off and starts directing people to leave. I close my eyes and Ryder walks up the long staircase.

I feel safe with him.

I am laid down on and I feel Ryder sit on the bed. He takes my sneakers off.

"Here drink this." Sheridan's voice streams in.

I open my eyes and see her handing a glass of water to me. I take it and sit up, I have a few small sips. She grabs it and places it on the bedside table.

"Time to get your meds. Hopefully your mom doesn't ask too many questions." Sheridan says and then leaves Ryder and I alone in the room.

I lie my head back on the pillow.

"I thought you were done with me." I quietly tell Ryder.

"I could never be done with you Cars."

I giggle at his use of my nickname for the first time.

"I need to tell you something." He says.

I don't reply I just wait for him to finish speaking.

"When you first came to Arizona nearly seven months ago, I liked you. I really liked you."

"Really? Did you ever tell me about your crush?"

"I was a druggie with an alcohol father, I knew you would never like someone like me back. So, no. I tried to... make those feelings go away."

Even though I'm delirious I sit up with him. Our legs touching.

"I don't care that you don't come from a perfect family or what stupid shit you did in the past. I care about who you are now."

"But Carson it's more than tha-"

I shut him up by putting my hand on his cheek and kissing him on those perfect lips of his. But he pulls back and removes my hand.

I crinkle my eyebrows and give him a questioning look.

He probably could smell vomit on my breath.

"You've been drinking, you aren't well. Not now Carson."

I smirk, "To be continued." I say and lie back down.

"Why are you wet by the way? Did you go swimming?" He asks.

I forgot all about that. "Yeah I did."

"Why did you get drunk?"

I sigh heavily, "I saw you with that girl."

"It was really stupid of you." He responds.

"Don't lecture me." I say sternly. I turn around and face the wall. "You don't need to stay, you can go home."

"I don't want to leave you."

I close my eyes and start to drift off for a few minutes when I hear someone calling my name. It's Sheridan, she has a white pill container in her hand. Ryder hasn't moved from the bed once. I sit up once more and take a pill from the container with water.

"I will get you a change of clothes." Sheridan tells me and walks out.

She comes back with a grey T-shirt and black sweat pants. Sheridan gives Ryder a look and he instantly leaves the room. When he shuts the door I swing my legs over the side of the bed. Sheridan helps to lift my damp top over my head and pulls her shirt on my body. I stand up to the best of my effort as she changes my pants.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"It's okay." She replies.

I flop back down on the bed and she pulls the covers over me. She exits the room, and Ryder comes back in. I smile at him. And peel back the cover as an invitation for him.

He joins me in the small bed, his warm hands wrap around my waist. I doze off to sleep.


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