Chapter 18.

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Y'all probably thought I forgot about this book but I swear I haven't! I just lost motivation but I decided there wasn't a better time to get a new chapter up than on my birthday.

Tears fall from my face onto the letter he left behind, staining it. Why would he do this to me? None of this made sense. I hastily grab my phone and send a desperate message to Ryder, disappointment falls on my face when it doesn't get delivered. He had blocked my number. I wipe my face on my sleeve and move fast down the stairs by twos, I slam the front door and go straight towards Will's house. I continually knock on the door which is soon opened by Will.

I don't give him a chance to greet me, "Where is Ryder?" I question trying to peer behind him.

"I don't know, I don't keep a tracker on him" He replies.

I cross my arms, "Don't play games with me. He suddenly upped and left and I don't know where he is."

"I seriously don't know where he is. I haven't spoken to him today."

I can tell he is telling the truth.

"Well if you see him, tell him I really need to speak to him." I say.

"Will do." Will replies and then shuts the door.

I contemplate going to Ryder's house but after what happened last time with his abusive dad I don't think I have the guts to go there again. I text Sheridan even though she hasn't replied to my last few messages. I sit on the curb in front of Will's house and decide to ring Lily.

"Carson?" Lily answers.

"Can you come over?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there soon. Is everything okay?"

I sniff a little, "All I can say is that you were right. I'll explain better when you get here." I hang up and walk back home feeling lost and empty.

I sit on the lounge thinking about what an idiot I've been to believe that a boy like Ryder could like a girl like me. There were warning signs everywhere, from Lily, Sheridan and even my mom. I ignored them so it was partly my fault that my heart got broken. I soon hear knocking on the door.

"It's unlocked," I shout not wanting go get off the lounge.

I hear Lily enter and she sits on the spot next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Not really. He hurt me." I reply not looking at her. "And please don't say I told you so."

"What happened?"

"Ryder just fucking left and he blocked my number. He didn't even explain why." I tell her.

"You fell into his stupid trap. You helped him so much then he does this to you." She squeezes my arm.

"I should have listened to you." I sigh.

"People learn from their mistakes. There's plenty of guys out there who are deserving of you. Ryder needs to grow up." Lily says.

Tears start running down my face again.

"Don't cry over him Carson. We can have a girls day if you want, just you and me. I haven't seen you a lot lately."

I nod. "How's your arm?" I ask changing the subject.

"Broken." She laughs. "How's your head?"

"Injured." I reply.

"I apologise by the way." Lily says.

I look at her, "Why?"

"On the night of the accident I got tipsy and couldn't drive. So you had to."

"I don't think it matters who was driving, that stupid coyote shouldn't have walked onto the road." I tell her.

She smiles.

"Now get the ice cream out before I start ugly crying." I joke.

We both laugh and I can suddenly see why we became best friends.

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