Chapter 10.

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Lily closes her eyes then blurts out "Carson he's playing you!"

"What are you talking about Lily?" I ask her baffled.

"Ryder is a dick, okay?" She tries explaining.

I scrunch up my face "Just because you aren't on good terms with him doesn't mean I can't be friends with Ryder."

Lily is clearly getting irritated.

"He's a bully."

I roll my eyes, "A bully doesn't offer to help you, or is generous to you, or" I stop and lower my voice "Kisses you."

Lily places her head in her hands "You two kissed?! When?!"

"Last night and honestly It's really none of your business." I tell her.

The bell rings for first period and I start walking to class. I don't understand what Lily's problem is. I am happy, Ryder makes me happy. He may have a past but he surely isn't a bad person at all, but I couldn't tell if I was just trying to persuade myself of this, maybe I am being naive. I shake the feeling off. I have history and then math, I'm sad that after summer holidays I have to start attending full days of school.

I enter the history classroom; Miss Roberts is my favorite teacher. She reminded me of Miss Honey from Matilda, but obviously she didn't wear those old, long dresses nor did she have a frightening aunt. After history I go to math, I have Mr Salvatore who is also kind but of course I can't stop but think about The Vampire Diaries when I hear his last name. School is the same old, I'm more than pleased to go home after second period.

The walk home gives me time to think about the accident, Lily and Ryder. I wondered if my memory was ever going to come back, that's when I decided to take a detour. I turn a corner and make my way to the scene of where I crashed Lily's car. The accident was in the local newspaper so I know the name of the road; I grab my phone and type it in to google maps.

The road is long and straight, it's bumpy and the gravel is loose. I can see houses in the near distance. You couldn't even tell there was a major car crash on this road, they cleaned it up good. I look around at my surroundings to try and get some sort of trigger for my memory, but absolutely nothing happens. It's useless and I give up. Sighing I go home.

I drop my backpack next to my bed and sit down. Not long after my phone starts ringing.

"Hi." I answer.

"Hey boo! It's ya girl." The person says.

"Sheridan?" I say a little weirded out that she has my number.

"Correct." She replies.

"How do you have my number?"

"Your boyfriend."

"Ryder is not my boyfriend." I say.

"I know that he's taking you on a date tonight, can I come over?" Sheridan asks.

"I'll text you my address. Or do you have that already?" I sarcastically question.

She laughs, "I'm not a stalker." Sheridan hangs up and I instantly text her.

I walk downstairs and sit on the lounge watching television. Fifteen minutes later I hear a knock on my door and I open it to see Sheridan and her usual black outfit, her fringe just reached her thick eyebrows. I let her in.

She looks around "Nice house."

Sheridan finds herself to the kitchen; she opens the cupboards until she finds a packet of potato chips. I watch as she eats them.

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