Chapter 30.

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Ryder glares at me blankly at first. "Tell me you're joking."

I cross my arms as I say "Nope."

"You kissed my best friend?" He's trying to stay calm but his jaw is clenched.

"You slept with mine," I retaliate.  I'm being immature, that's clear but I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me.

Will steps between us, looking uncomfortable. "Okay, it happened, but we were both very drunk." He looks at me, his eyes telling me to confirm what he said.

"Will." Ryder steps forward threateningly. "I'm two seconds away from punching you in the jaw." 

I sigh heavily, not wanting to turn this violent. "He's telling the truth. It didn't mean anything."  I begin heading towards the door, dragging Sheridan with me. "Coming here was a bad idea," I say to no one in particular. 

Ryder turns me into a toxic person whenever I am around him and yet I'm drawn to him.

When we jump back in the car, Sheridan pushes the key into the ignition but hesitates to turn it.

"What's wrong?" I question her, confused.

She looks at me. "I know he hurt you but I think you're being too hard on him."

I don't know why I'm shocked when she says this, Sheridan and Ryder have been close friends forever, of course she'd defend him.

"How am I being too hard on him? He took advantage of my brain injury to fuck me." My voice is bitter.

"I'm not saying what he did was right. He should have been honest with you but if you think he only wanted that, you're wrong," she responds.

"Ryder doesn't date, you told me that. He doesn't care about relationships," I remind her.

"Exactly. You're the first girl he's ever rambled on about to me. It's the first time he asked me for dating advice. I thought he was having a stroke or something when I heard the word crush come out of his mouth," she smiles.

I focus on a baby spider crawling across the front of the window shield. "I can't trust him anymore."

Sheridan doesn't say anything else. She silently starts the car and drives back to my house.

The Boy I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now