Chapter 4.

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A nurse informed me earlier today that after four days of being stuck in hospital I was going to be discharged tomorrow morning. The food that was given to me tasted and looked like it would make me end up back in the hospital so I was partially excited to get the hell out of here but at the same time frightened because I was going to a house, not a home.

"Hi" I hear a feminine voice.

I turn around in my hospital bed and see a small girl standing awkwardly in my room, she had her arm in a cast and blue hair. It doesn't take me long to know that this must be Lily.

I sit myself up I smile "Hi"

"You don't remember me do you?" Lily asks.

"I wish I could say yes" I reply "You can come and sit down."

She reluctantly walks over and sits.

"I'm sorry about the accident." I apologize to her since I was the one driving.

Lily shakes her head and looks down at her shoes "It wasn't your fault, shit happens. There was a coyote on the road."

I scrunch up my eyebrows "Was I not paying attention?"

"I don't think the reasoning really matters. We're both alive and that's the most important thing."

I shrug "Yeah, I guess you're right." I gesture to her broken arm "How long is that going to take to heal?"

"Six weeks the doctor says. When are your memories going to come back?" She asks.

"Might not ever come back. I can't recollect ever being in Phoenix, it sucks." I say.


And then we sit in silence for what seems like forever. A nurse walks in to check the stitches on my head and that's when Lily decides to leave. That night it was hard to sleep and not because of the uncomfortable bed but because I was leaving the hospital and going back into the real world. I spent the night tossing and turning, I achieved three hours of sleep before my mom walked in at 7 am with clothes for me to wear and to take me home.

"When do I go back to school?" I question my mom as we drive.

"I think it's a good idea for you to go back tomorrow, it's the last week of school and then summer break. It'll be a perfect place to activate your memories." She answers.

"Oh okay." I'm a little shocked at how fast it was all happening.

Mom pulls into a large driveway. One of the things I notice is that this place looks dry and hot, the second thing I noticed is that our house is an off white color, it is two stories and has a monumental arch over the entrance. I set foot through the front door but don't recognize anything. My mom shows me where my room is, upstairs. It's average size, I can't complain.

"I'll be just downstairs. Settle in honey" My mom tells me and rubs my back.

I nod slowly. I look around my room, opening drawers to become familiar with everything. I take my shoes off and lay down in bed. I decide to log on to facebook where my timeline is filled with get well messages I also have a few dozen messages, I go through and reply to as many people as possible. My eyes heavy though, I close my eyes to catch up on the sleep I missed out on.

The Next Day

Mom parks directly in front of the school gate when she drops me off.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" She asks me, I can tell she's worried.

"Mom, I'm not entirely incapable. I'll be fine" I reassure her.

She sighs "I know, I'm just concerned."

I beam "I get it, it's a motherly thing."

"Now remember to go straight to the office, it's the first building you'll come across, you're only attending the first two periods and if you can't take it, call me immediately."

"Alright, bye love you!" I say as I open the car door.

I hop out the car and swing my backpack over my shoulder. The car drives off and for a second I consider running after it telling my mom I can't do it but I give myself a mini prep talk and stroll right in. The administration is nicely air-conditioned - a pleasant change from the sweltering heat outside.

"Hi, I'm Carson" I greet the office lady.

"Hello Carson, do you have your timetable?" She queried.

I lift the piece of paper with all my classes on it up "Yup."

"Okay. We have sorted out to have a student to show you around the school and take you to your classes for the week."

I wonder if it'll be Lily.

She looks up behind me "Oh you're here. Thank you for helping her out."

I turn around and see a tall boy with sandy blonde hair which reached his shoulders. His emerald green eyes were hard to miss. This guy was.. attractive. He walks over to me and puts out his hand.

"I'm Ryder Hudson."

The Boy I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now