Chapter 5.

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"I'm Ryder Hudson"

I shake his hand "I'm Car-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"Carson Reynolds, I know who you are. I've known you since the first day you came here six months ago."

I'm embarrassed, I keep forgetting that I've been here many times before with the same people it's just that I can't remember.

"Let's start this tour shall we?" Ryder questions ignoring my stupidity, thankfully.

I nod gleefully and follow him out. As soon as we step outside the office he lights up a cigarette, I instantly look around to make sure no teachers can see.

Ryder chuckles "It's fine, I always get away with smoking. It's like I'm invisible to most people around me."

I continue walking alongside with him "So uh, do your parents know you smoke?" I ask curiously.

He exhales "I got kicked out of home for it. I live with my best friend Will."


"You're from Seattle right?"

"Born and raised" I reply.

"What's it like having a brain injury?" He asks more questions.

"It sucks. I've had a constant headache and apparently I'm at risk of having seizures. But whatever." I answer.

We suddenly stop walking "That's the library" Ryder points to a building on the right.

"Your least favorite place I'm guessing."

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

We start walking again but then Ryder's phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket and holds the cigarette in his mouth. I look straight ahead.

"Anything important?" I ask.

He shakes his head "No just friends wanting to meet up with them. Don't worry I'll show you your classes before I leave."

I raise my eyebrow "Do you skip school often?"


Ryder is interesting I think to myself.

"Can I come with?" I ask. I'm shocked myself that I really just asked to skip class and to hang out with someone I don't know.

He stops in his tracks "You want to wag class?"

I shrug "It's the last week of school, how about we just say fuck it and do what we want."

He looks shocked "That accident has changed you."

"Being in a near-death situation will do that to you."

Ryder and I walk to a skatepark that's located ten minutes from Lincoln High. It looked extremely run down and could definitely use a renovation. I feel anxious because this is the first time I've really ever skipped school. We stroll to a ramp where a guy and girl are sitting.

"This is Will Grady and Sheridan Jones." Ryder introduces his friends.

Sheridan opens her mouth and narrows her eyes "I know you. I met you at the party before you had the car crash."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you. For the second time" I say to her.

"Come sit" Will gestures next to him.

I'm reluctant but I sit and so does Ryder.

"So is this where you do drugs and stuff like that?" I ask them.

They all start laughing.

"We aren't druggies Carson" Sheridan replies.

"We smoke cigarettes but that's it. This is just a place we chill at" Ryder continues.

I want to punch myself in the face. A weird feeling randomly arises and my vision becomes fuzzy. I furrow my eyebrows and place my hand on Ryder's forearm, he rapidly holds my arm.

"What's wrong Carson?" He asks worried.

"I might pass out. If I do don't freak out." I explain.

"Should we call someone?" I hear Will say but can't see because black spots have invaded my sight.

"N-no," I say.

"Here, lay down," Ryder tells me.

He has his backpack on the ground and helps me lay my head on it. I can't remember what happens next because I pass out.

Hey y'all! What do you think will happen next?

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