Chapter 16.

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I'm dedicating this chapter to MIRACULOUSNESS because she always comments on this book and I love it.

Also I wanted to add that I'm Australian (If you didn't notice) So if any of my spelling or words are wrong feel free to correct me as I know Americans use different words and spelling than us Aussies. & my depiction of Arizona is probably wrong, I've never been to the US in my life.

"What's the surprise?" I ask eying him curiously.

"We're going to the moonlight outdoor cinema tonight!" He replies excitedly.

A smile grows on my face "I've always wanted to go to an outdoor cinema. What movie is playing?"

"Pulp fiction, if that's alright."

"One of my favourite movies! Thank you Ryder." I say and wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls back and looks at the healing cut on my forehead. Suddenly feeling self conscious I let my brunette hair fall in my face and look away from him.

"Look at me." He tells me firmly.

Our eyes meet and he gently moves my hair out of my face.

"You are beautiful." He says, "Since the first day I saw you at school, reading your timetable, I thought you were beautiful."

Butterflies dance in my stomach.

"Don't forget that. No matter what happens in the future." He continues to say. "Promise me you won't forget."

"I promise." I reply.

"I'm going to the skatepark, I'll meet you back here later." He says before kissing me and then leaves.

I go downstairs ready for my mom to confront me about not telling her about me fainting. She's in the study working on her laptop at the desk, her square framed glasses sit on her nose. Mom doesn't take her eyes of the screen in front of her as she types.

"Sorry for not telling you, I didn't want you to worry." I start the conversation.

She still doesn't look at me, "I forgive you. Don't do it again."

"That's it? Not going to yell? scream?" I ask confused.

"I think you know that it was wrong to not let me know, yelling at you won't change it." She replies.

"Oh." Is all I say. "Well since you're in a good mood, I'm going out with Ryder tonight."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Mom questions.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't want you getting overly attached to him." My mom says but she is still focusing on the laptop.

"Isn't it good for me to have someone in my life?"

"That boy, he looks like a heartbreaker."

"How can someone possibly look like a heartbreaker?"

She finally looks up from the screen and spins the chair around "All I'm saying is you don't need anymore pain in your life. You're only seventeen, you've been through a lot already."

"Ryder is healing the pain." I say.

She sighs, "Or putting bandaids on it just to rip them off later."

I groan "Why is everyone acting like he is a terrible person who's going to sacrifice me to the devil? Have some hope."

"I support you two but I want you to be careful, putting your heart into someone's hands gives them the power to break it." She responds and returns back to her work.

I leave the study and start heading to the kitchen to get food when the same sharp pain goes through my head, it is shooting towards the back of my head which stops me in my tracks and my surroundings are blurred, nausea then hits me. I feel panic, like I'm losing my mind. It feels like I'm in a dream state.


I stand in the cafeteria line with Lily in front of me, at 11:30AM on a Tuesday. I suddenly feel someone kick the back of my knee which almost causes me to drop my tray and then I hear sniggering behind me, I instantly turn around angrily ready to confront the person.


The kitchen slowly comes back in my vision and the pain settles down, although the feeling of wanting to vomit stays. I am breathless. My feet don't want to hold my body and I quickly sink down to the floor.

"Mom!" I shout.

She's quick to come out and runs when she sees me sitting there. She crouches down next to me.

"What's wrong? Did you have a seizure?" Mom starts panicking.

"I had a memory flashback." The words come out of my mouth wobbly.

"Oh no, was it bad?" She asks worryingly.

I shake my head, "It just felt weird."

"Do you want me to call the doctor?"

I shake my head again.

Mom steadily helps me up and guides me towards the dining table where she hands me a cold glass of water.

"I guess I have to get use to it." I say.

"It's a step forward- as awful as the flashbacks may be it's a good sign." Mom responds but she still looks tense.

"Maybe you should stay in tonight." She says.

"No." I reply almost instantly, "I don't want this to stop me from living my life."

"You should tell Ryder, it might happen when you're with him and he should be prepared for when a flashback happens."

Should I tell him? I think to myself. I know I don't want there to he secrets between us but what if he decides I'm too much too handle and leaves? Why Couldn't Ryder and I have dated before my car accident, it would have been so much easier.

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